Working with Multiple Data Tables in One Visualization

Loading Multiple Data Tables into Spotfire

Loading many data tables into Spotfire works the same way no matter if you are going to combine the data tables in one visualization or not. See How to Add Data Tables to learn more about loading data. After the data has been loaded you may need to match columns in order to combine them in a visualization. You can read more about this in Column Matching and below.

If your analysis contains data from many data tables, it can be useful to get an overview of which data tables have column matches between them. The best way to get an overview is in the Data Table Properties dialog.

  1. Go to Edit > Data Table Properties and open the Column Matches tab.

  2. In the Data tables list, select the data table you want to view current column matches for.

  3. Response: The bottom part of the dialog is updated to show the column matches for the selected data table. The data table names are displayed in blue text, while the column names are displayed in black text. The selected data table is always shown on the left-hand side.


    Here the column matches for the data table named 'Sales Current Year' are shown. The two columns 'Region' and 'Salesperson' in 'Sales Current Year' have matches in the other two data tables. In the data table named 'Sales Previous Year' they match the columns named 'Region' and 'Sales Person' respectively. And in the data table named 'Targets' they match the columns named 'Region' and 'Sales Rep' respectively.

  1. Load the data tables of interest into Spotfire.

  2. Go to Edit > Data Table Properties and open the Column Matches tab.

  3. In the Data tables list, select the data table you are going to use as the main data table in the visualization.

  4. Click on the New... button to the right of the list showing the Current matches for the selected data table.

  5. Response: The New Match dialog is opened.

  6. In the Right data table drop-down list, select the data table containing the column you want to match with a column in the Left data table.

  7. Comment: The data table in the Left data table drop-down list is already set to the column you selected in step 3.

  8. In the Left column and Right column selectors, choose the columns you want to add a match between.

  9. Click OK to close the dialog.

  10. Response: The match has been added to the list of Current matches for the selected data table.

  11. If you want to add more matches just repeat steps 3-7, and when you are done, click OK to close the Data Table Properties dialog.

  12. Response: The matches have now been added to the selected data tables.

Sometimes you may want to see which column matches are used in a certain visualization.

  1. Open the Visualization Properties for the visualization of interest, and go to the Data page.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, where you will find the settings for Data table matching.

  3. Under Columns matched in this visualization, all the matches used in the visualization are listed. If matches are missing, this will be indicated, and you can add a match if necessary, see below. If a column has more than one match to a column in another data table, you can select which match to use. Detailed descriptions about these settings are available in the help topics for Visualization Properties - Data page for any visualization, for example the Cross Table.

  1. Open the Visualization Properties for the visualization of interest, and go to the Data page.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, where you will find the settings for Data table matching.

  3. Under Columns matched in this visualization, locate the column that is missing a match:

  4. md_add_match_from_visualization_properties_1.png

  5. Click on the Add match link.

  6. Response: The New Match dialog is opened.

  7. In the Right column selector, choose the column you want to match with the column in the Left column selector.

  8. Click OK to close the dialog.

  9. Response: The match has been added to the list of Columns matched in this visualization:


Writing Expressions

In a visualization combining data from many data tables, expressions will refer to the main data table by default. If you want to refer to a column in another data table, you need to use the qualified name: [Data Table Name].[Column Name].

For example: Sum([Sales Previous Year].[Sales]) where 'Sales Previous Year' is the data table name and 'Sales' is the name of the column.

See also:

Multiple Data Tables in One Visualization

Column Matching

More Examples