Description of the Licenses

Access rights to various tools and features are handled by the TIBCO Spotfire administrator using the Administration Manager tool. This tool is available under Tools > Administration Manager... if you have administrator rights.

Several different licenses are available for users of TIBCO Spotfire:



TIBCO Spotfire Clinical

The license for TIBCO Spotfire Clinical.

TIBCO Spotfire Web Player

The license for TIBCO Spotfire Web Player. (This license does not actually control which users have access to TIBCO Spotfire Web Player. The access to TIBCO Spotfire Web Player is instead determined by the authentication method that was set up when installing TIBCO Spotfire Web Player. For technical reasons, the TIBCO Spotfire Enterprise Player license is also required.

This check box can rather be used to indicate which users are meant to use the TIBCO Spotfire Web Player.)

TIBCO Spotfire Enterprise Player

This license contains the functionality needed for users that will run the TIBCO Spotfire Enterprise Player. It enables features such as saving analysis files to disk or to the library, opening analysis files from the library, opening linked data, and exporting to various formats.

TIBCO Spotfire Professional

This is the main license for users running the full TIBCO Spotfire client. All the base functionality of TIBCO Spotfire is contained here, except the features within the TIBCO Spotfire Enterprise Player license. It is therefore vital that any user that has the TIBCO Spotfire Professional license also gets the TIBCO Spotfire Enterprise Player license.

TIBCO Spotfire Metrics

Additional calculation tools.

TIBCO Spotfire Extensions

This license enables users to view and use custom extensions which may be added by developers at your company. When new custom license functions are deployed on the TIBCO Spotfire Server, they will appear under this license and can then be enabled or disabled individually.

TIBCO Spotfire Information Modeler

Tools and permissions to edit database connections for information links.

TIBCO Spotfire Administrator

Access to the Administration Manager and the Library Administration tool.
You MUST ALSO be a member of the Administrator group to get the actual privileges to work on the server.
If you are also a member of the Library Administrator group you will override all folder permissions in the Library, granting full control over all content. (By default, the Administrator group is a part of the Library Administrator group and thus have full access control over the library as well.)

If you only have the "Create Information Link" feature from the TIBCO Spotfire Professional license, this gives you access to the Tools > Information Designer menu option, from which you can use data sources and elements that other people have set up and create new information links. However, to set up your own data sources and elements, you must also have the TIBCO Spotfire Information Modeler license.

See also:

Setting Permissions in Information Designer