Details on Set from Property

This dialog is used to specify that the axis value should be picked from a string document property containing a column or an expression value. See Using Properties in the Analysis for more information.

  1. Create a visualization.

  2. Right-click on the column selector where you want to use a property.

  3. Select Set from Property... from the pop-up menu.




Select the property to use

Click to select a property to use on the axis. Note that only string properties can be used on axes.

The string value of the property will be interpreted as a column name or an expression containing column names. See Properties in Expressions for more information about the syntax for property expressions.


Opens the New Property dialog where you can define a new property to define the axis.

Note that you can only use string properties on axes. The property should contain a value that can be interpreted as a column or a column expression.


Allows you to edit the first (default) value to use on the selected property.


Deletes the selected document property.

See also:

Details on Property Control