Setting Up New Geocoding Tables

TIBCO Spotfire comes with a selection of geocoding hierarchies that normally should be added to the library, but you can also define your own geocoding tables and save them in the library. This is accomplished by setting a few document and column properties on the geocoding table in TIBCO Spotfire and then exporting the file to the library.

  1. Load the data containing the coordinates and/or geometries along with the identifying columns (such as state name or state code) in TIBCO Spotfire.

  2. If the data originates from an ESRI shape file, the coordinates and geometry columns will automatically be tagged correctly, otherwise you must add the following column properties, as specified in Configuration of Geographical Data for Map Charts:
    The longitude column should have property mapchart.columntypeid = XCenter.
    The latitude column should have property
    mapchart.columntypeid = YCenter.
    The geometry column should have property
    mapchart.columntypeid = Geometry.
    The geometry column should also have the property ContentType = application/x-wkb

  3. Specify the geocoding type and geocoding representation of the identifying columns by setting the GeocodingType and GeocodingRepresentation column properties to appropriate values. These property values are what will be matched with the same property values of the data that should be geocoded later, so choose wisely.

  4. Comment: For example, the geocoding type could be Country, State or City and the geocoding representation can be a language code such as en-us or a standard identifier such as ISO3166-2:us.

  5. Set the MapChart.IsGeocodingTable data table property in order for the export to pick up that it is a geocoding table and automatically transfer the properties to library properties. Also set the following properties if they should have non-default values:

  6. Export the table to the library as SBDF using File > Export > Data to Library.....

  7. Response: The data table is saved as a file in the library and will be available in all places where a geocoding hierarchy can be selected.

See also:

What is Geocoding?

Column Properties – Geocoding

Column Properties Descriptions

Details on Edit Properties – Geocoding