Details on Document Properties – Data Functions

Once a data function has been executed  in an analysis it will be available for editing in the Data Functions tab of the Document Properties dialog. This is where you can change the input and output handlers, or refresh the calculation if anything has changed.

  1. Select Edit > Document Properties.

  2. Click on the Data Functions tab.




Available data functions

Lists all data functions that have been used in the current analysis.

Note that if a previously used data function has been replaced by a subsequent data function and all outputs from the first data function has been removed, then the first data function will no longer remain in this list.


Opens a dialog where you can edit the input parameters of the selected data function. The output cannot be changed here. Execute the data function again if you need to change some output parameter settings.


Refreshes the data function calculation, so that any changes to the input values are reflected in the output results.

Note: You need to click OK in the Document Properties dialog to actually start the data refresh.


Makes the document use an updated version of the function definition if a newer version is available in the library.

Note that synchronizing is only possible for data functions that have been saved to the library and executed via Insert > Data Functions. The Sync button will be unavailable for data functions run from the Register Data Functions Dialog. If the analysis is expected to have a long life span, it is recommended to only keep saved data functions in the analysis, so that they can be updated.


Deletes the selected data function.

See also:

Details on Document Properties - General

Details on Document Properties - Library

Details on Document Properties - Markings

Details on Document Properties - Filtering Schemes

Details on Document Properties - Properties

How to Edit Document Properties