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Parallel Coordinate Plot Properties – Columns




Available columns

Lists all columns in the data table which are available for selection.

Selected columns

Lists the columns selected to be displayed in the parallel coordinate plot, as well as the selected aggregation method used on each column (if any aggregation has been specified).

Add >

Adds the columns selected in the Available columns list to the Selected columns list.

< Remove

Removes the selected columns from the Selected columns list and sends them back to the Available columns list.

Remove All

Removes all columns from the Selected columns list.

Move Up

Moves the selected column up in the Selected columns list. The order of the columns in this list determines the order of the Y-axes in the parallel coordinate plot.

Move Down

Moves the selected column down in the Selected columns list. The order of the columns in this list determines the order of the Y-axes in the parallel coordinate plot.


Click on one or more columns in the Selected columns list to make this option available. Specifies the aggregation method to use for the selected column.

Auto-bin column

Click on one or more columns in the Selected columns list to make this option available. Select the check box to temporarily group the values of a numeric column into a specified number of categorical bins.

Note: To create a new column with binned values, see How to Use Binning instead.

Number of bins

Click on one or more columns in the Selected columns list to make this option available. Specifies the number of bins into which the values of a numeric column should be grouped.

See also:

Parallel Coordinate Plot Properties

How to Use the Parallel Coordinate Plot

What is a Parallel Coordinate Plot?