Available Diagnostic Visualizations

This section lists the available diagnostic plots for the model. They can be an aid to help determining the validity of a predictive model. Different model methods display different lists of diagnostic plots. Click on an option to display the visualization in the model page.

Residuals vs. Fitted

The residuals vs. fitted visualization is a scatter plot showing the residuals on the Y-axis and the fitted values on the X-axis. You can compare it to doing a linear fit and then flipping the fitted line so that it becomes horizontal. Values that have the residual 0 are those that would end up directly on the estimated regression line. The residuals vs fit plot is commonly used to detect non-linearity, unequal error variances and outliers.

Shape (exaggerated)



When a linear regression model is suitable for a data set, then the residuals are more or less randomly distributed around the 0 line.


When residuals form a pattern in the visualization, then the current model might be less suitable for the data.



Normal Quantile-Quantile

The normal quantile-quantile visualization calculates the normal quantiles of all values in a column. The values (Y-axis) are then plotted against the normal quantiles (X-axis).

Things to look for:

Shape (exaggerated)



Approximately normal distribution.


Less variance than expected. While this distribution differs from the normal, it seldom presents any problems in statistical calculations.


More variance than you would expect in a normal distribution.


Left skew in the distribution.


Right skew in the distribution.


Outlier. Outliers can disturb statistical analyses and should always be thoroughly investigated. If the outliers are due to known errors, they should be removed from the data before a more detailed analysis is performed.



Note: Plateaus will occur in the plot if there are only a few discrete values that the variable may take on. However, clustering in the plot may also be due to a second variable that has not been considered in the analysis.

Scale – Location

The scale location plot is similar to the residuals vs fit plot, but instead of linear residuals it uses the square root of the residuals. It is used to reveal trends in the magnitudes of residuals. For a good model, the values should be more or less randomly distributed.


Cook's Distance

Cook's distance is a statistic which tries to identify those values which have more influence than others on the estimated coefficients. High peaks in the bar chart might represent values that should be investigated further, since they have a larger effect on the coefficients.


Response vs. Fitted or Predicted

The Response vs. Fitted or Response vs. Predicted visualization is a scatter plot of the response variable versus the fitted values for the model or the predicted values computed from new data using a previously computed model. The ideal shape for this plot is all points on a line with an intercept of 0 and a slope of 1 (about a 45 degrees angle). This would indicate that the response values and values computed from the model match up perfectly. In reality, the points will be in a diagonal band around the (0,1) line.  Points that deviate greatly from this band can indicate outliers or deficiencies in the model.


Generally, the Residuals vs. Fitted or Predicted scatter plot is a better visualization to diagnose model deficiencies, since the deviations are centered around the horizontal line, y=0, instead of around the (0,1) line.

Predicted Probability Histograms

The Predicted Probability is a histogram of the predicted probabilities for a particular level of the response variable. For a two level response, you would like to have all the values in one histogram close to one and, in the other histogram, all the values should be close to zero.



ROC Curve

An ROC, or receiver operating characteristic curve, shows the performance of the classifier as the threshold for class prediction is varied. It is a plot of the sensitivity, or true positive rate of the classifier, versus one minus the specificity, or false positive rate. The true positive rate is the number of the predicted positives out of true positives and the true negative rate is the number of the predicted negatives out of the number of false positives. The predicted positives and negatives varies as the threshold for class prediction varies.


For example, with classes A and B, if the threshold is set very low for class A (close to zero) then all the tree class A observations will be classified as A (sensitivity is one). However, many class B observations will also be incorrectly classified as A leading to a large false positive rate. The ideal ROC curve starts at (0,0) goes up to (0,1) and then over to (1,1).

Randomly assigning predicted classes leads to an ROC curve that is a line with a slope of 1 from (0,0) to (1,1).

Variable Importance Plot

The variable importance plot shows the importance of each predictor in the model. For parametric models (linear and logistic regression), the importance value is the absolute value of the test statistic for the term in the model. The larger the test statistic, the more significant the term is. For tree models (regression and classification), the variable importance is the sum of the goodness of split measure for every split the variable was used in. The values are scaled as a percentage - the higher the percentage, the more important the variable is in the model.

See also:

Using a Model Summary

Using a Table of Coefficients