Home > Visualizations > Box Plot > Box Plot Properties > Appearance

Box Plot Properties – Appearance




Box width

Specifies the width of all box plots.

Jittering outer values

Displaces outside values and far out values to reveal overlapping. Move the slider to change the level of jittering.

Marker size

Specifies the size of all outer values.


Drag the slider to change the transparency in the box plot. This can be useful if you want to be able to see lines or curves placed in the background.

Show distribution

Specifies whether or not the distribution of values should be shown as a histogram:


Show 95% confidence interval of the mean

Select the check box to display the confidence interval in the box plot as a black line next to the box.

Show comparison circles

Select the check box to display comparison circles in the box plot visualization. See What are Comparison Circles? for more information.

Alpha level

The level at which the difference between groups would be significant.

Use relative scale

Sets the max and the min for all box plots to 100% and 0%, respectively.

Show cell borders in statistics table

Specifies whether or not cell borders should be visible in the statistics table.

Use separate color for marked items

Select this check box to use the specified marking color to distinguish marked items in this visualization. If the check box is cleared, then unmarked items will be faded out instead, and the original color  will be kept for the marked items. See Marking in Visualizations for more information.

See also:

Box Plot Properties

How to Use the Box Plot

What is a Box Plot?