Home > Enhancing Visualizations > Lines & Curves > Details > Details on Line from Data Table

Details on Line from Data Table

Use this alternative if you want to add lines to a visualization based on an existing data table in your analysis. A simple example is if you have a data table with number of sales for two different products on different dates, you can also have a data table with the minimum acceptable number of sales on any given day for the different products. If the data with number of sales is set as a visualization, you can add lines from the minimum number of sales data table. This gives you an easy way of seeing whether any products have fewer sales than you expect.




Data table with line positions

Lists the available data tables in the analysis.


Select the column in the data table from which you want to create your reference line.

Columns for label and tooltip

Lists the columns from the data table selected above that should also be used in the label and/or tooltip for the line. You can change whether to display the contents from the column in the label, in the tooltip or in both using the Label and Tooltip dialog.


Opens the Select Columns dialog where you can select the columns that should be possible to use in a line's label and/or tooltip.

Curve name



Sets an automatic name for the line.


Allows you to set a custom name for the line by typing a name in the text field.

See also:

Lines and Curves