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Details-on-Demand Properties - Columns




Available columns

Lists all columns in the data table available for selection.

[Type to search]

Type a search string to limit the number of items in the Available columns list. It is possible to use the wildcard character * in the search. See Searching in TIBCO Spotfire for more information.

Selected columns

Lists the columns selected to be displayed in the table, as well as the selected aggregation method used on each column (if any aggregation has been specified).

Add >

Adds the columns selected in the Available columns list to the Selected columns list.

< Remove

Removes the selected columns from the Selected columns list and sends them back to the Available columns list.

Remove All

Removes all columns from the Selected columns list.

Move Up

Moves the selected column up in the Selected columns list. The order of the columns in this list determines the order of the Y-axes in the table.

Move Down

Moves the selected column down in the Selected columns list. The order of the columns in this list determines the order of the Y-axes in the table.


Lists the available renderers for the chosen column.


Opens the settings dialog for the chosen renderer.

Add new columns automatically

Select the check box to make sure that any new columns added to the selected data table are also automatically added to the Details-on-Demand table.
New columns can appear when refreshing an information link, calculating new columns, etc.

See also:

Details-on-Demand Properties

What is the Details-on-Demand?