Home > Visualizations > Pie Chart > How to Use the Pie Chart
To set which column represents the size of the sectors:
In the Filters panel, click and hold down the left mouse button on the filter representing the column you want to represent the size of the sectors.
Drag the filter to the center of the visualization.
Response: Drop targets appear in the middle of the visualization.
Release the mouse button on the sector size drop target.
Response: The sectors are adjusted so that the size is according the corresponding values of the column.
From the Legend, click on the Sector Size by button, and select Aggregation.
Select whether you want each sector size to be the sum or average (or other type of aggregation) of the selected column.
To sort the sectors of the pie chart:
Right-click on the visualization to display the pop-up menu.
Select Properties.
Go to the Appearance page.
Select the Sort sectors by size check box.
To create a new pie chart:
Click on the New Pie Chart button on the toolbar, .
Comment: You can also select Insert > New Visualization > Pie Chart from the menu.
Response: A first attempt to set up a suitable pie chart is made by the application.
Adjust the pie chart to display the data of your choice.
See also: