Home > Visualizations > Summary Table > Statistical Measures Overview
TIBCO Spotfire contains several visualizations and tools which calculate various aggregation measures or statistical measures. For a description of each measure, see the corresponding section.
Note: For measures where a large statistical selection is needed, the result from a calculation may vary with the number of available values.
Average (Avg)
Standard Deviation (StdDev)
Standard Error (StdErr)
Variance (Var)
First Quartile (Q1)
Third Quartile (Q3)
Lower Adjacent Value (LAV)
Upper Adjacent Value (UAV)
Interquartile Range (IQR)
Lower Inner Fence (LIF)
Lower Outer Fence (LOF)
Outlier Count (Outliers)
10th Percentile (P10)
90th Percentile (P90)
Outlier Percentage (PctOutliers)
Upper Inner Fence (UIF)
Upper Outer Fence (UOF)
In the column selectors of some visualizations there are also a number of aggregation measures available that are in fact shortcuts to expressions. See below for a description:
See Advanced Custom Expressions and Using Expressions on Aggregated Data (the THEN Keyword) for more general information about writing custom expressions with OVER and THEN.