Home > Visualizations > Treemap > How to Use the Treemap

How to Use the Treemap

  1. In the Filters panel, click and hold the left mouse button on the filter representing the column you want to color by.

    Comment: Coloring is also available in the Visualization Properties dialog. The color of marked items is changed under Edit > Document Properties.

  2. Drag the filter to the center of the visualization.

    Response: Drop targets appear in the middle of the visualization.

  3. Release the mouse button on the Color target.

    Response: The rectangles in the treemap will be colored according to the chosen column.

    Comment: To learn more about coloring in Spotfire, see Coloring Overview.

  1. In the legend, click on the column selector for Hierarchy to open the menu.

    Comment: The hierarchy settings can also be defined on the Hierarchy page of the Visualization Properties dialog.

  2. Select the column you want to use as the top level of the treemap hierarchy.

    Response: The treemap will instantly be divided into rectangles representing the categories in the chosen column.

  3. Click on the column selector with a plus sign next to the previously used column selector.

  4. From the menu, select the column that you want to use as the next level in the treemap hierarchy.

    Response: Rectangles representing the categories in the chosen column will be added inside the rectangles of the level immediately above in the treemap hierarchy.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for every level that you want to add to the treemap hierarchy.

    Comment: You can add columns to the treemap hierarchy and change the order of the hierarchy levels by using drag-and-drop in the legend. To learn more, see Drag-and-Drop.

    Note: You can also use a preconfigured hierarchy as a treemap hierarchy by creating a hierarchy in the Column Properties dialog, or by creating a hierarchy from the filters panel. For more information about creating hierarchies in TIBCO Spotfire, see How to Edit Column Properties and Creating a Hierarchy Filter.

  1. Right-click in the treemap to display the pop-up menu.

  2. From the pop-up menu, select Navigate To.

  3. Select the hierarchy level you want to navigate to.

    Comment: If the hierarchy headers are visible, you can also click on a hierarchy header to navigate to that level.

    Note: You can navigate upwards in a hierarchy by clicking on a category from the path of levels in the uppermost header of the treemap. To go to the top level, click (All).

  1. Click on the New Treemap button on the toolbar, tree_new_treemap_button.png.

    Comment: You can also select Insert > New Visualization > Treemap from the menu.

    Response: A first attempt to set up a suitable treemap is made by the application.

  2. Adjust the treemap to display the data of your choice.

See also:

What is a Treemap?

Treemap Properties