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Details on Column Properties – Geocoding

This dialog lets you specify that a column contains geographic information which can be used for positioning data on a map. See What is Geocoding? for more information.

  1. Select Edit > Column Properties.

  2. Click on the Geocoding tab.




Hierarchy name

Lists the name of the geocoding hierarchy that the selected column belongs to. Use the Select button to specify that a column belongs to a certain hierarchy.


Allows you to find a geocoding hierarchy in the library and manually specify that a column should be used for geocoding at a certain hierarchy level.

For example, if a column contains state names you can use this menu to specify that this column actually contains US states. Use the tooltip to see some example data of a certain type of encoding/representation to find the correct match.

This information can then be used to place data at its correct location in a map chart.

When a selection is done in the menu, the column properties specifying the GeocodingType, GeocodingRepresentation and GeocodingHierarchyName are automatically set.

You can also click on Auto-match to make Spotfire attempt to match the content of the column to an existing geocoding hierarchy in the library.

Geocoding type

Lists the specified geocoding type of the selected column. This property specifies the type of geocoding information contained in the column, such as State or City.


Lists the specified representation of the selected column. This property specifies how the geocoding information contained in the column is represented. This can be a language code such as en-us or a standard identifier such as ISO3166-2:us.

Clear All

Clears all of the previously specified geocoding properties.

See also:

Column Properties - General

Column Properties - Formatting

Column Properties - Properties

Column Properties – Sort Order

How to Edit Column Properties