Home > Visualizations > Table > How to Use the Table
Click on a column header and drag that column to the desired position.
Comment: You can also right-click on a column header
and select Move First or Move Last from the pop-up menu.
Comment: You can also go to the Columns
page in the Properties dialog
and click on a column in the Selected columns list and then click
Move Up or Move Down to change the order of the columns.
Place the mouse pointer at the right edge of the column header you want to resize (indicated by a thin line). The cursor changes into a cross with arrows.
Adjust the width by holding down the mouse button and moving the mouse horizontally.
Comment: You can also right-click on the column heading and select Column Width... from the menu that appears. Enter the width in number of pixels and click OK.
Right-click on a column header and select Remove.
To add columns:
Right-click on the table and select Properties.
Select the Columns page in the dialog.
Select the columns you want to insert from the Available columns list.
Click Add >.
Response: The column is inserted to the right of all previously added columns.
Comment: Click on a column in the Selected columns list and then click Move Up or Move Down to change the order of the columns.
Click Close.
To apply coloring:
See Coloring in Tables to learn how to set up coloring for tables specifically. See Coloring Overview if you want to learn more about coloring in general.
In a table with many columns you often need to scroll horizontally. However, there may be certain columns you want to see regardless of scrolling. This is achieved by freezing one or more columns.
Move the columns you want to freeze to the left side of the table.
Right-click on a column heading and select Properties.
Select the Appearance page of the dialog.
Specify the Number of frozen columns you want, counting from the left-hand side of the table.
Click Close.
It is possible to show the contents of a column as clickable links. To do this, right-click on the table visualization and select Properties.
Select the Columns tab.
Select the column you want to contain links.
Select Link from the Renderer drop down list.
Click Settings...
Specify the settings in the Link Renderer Settings dialog and click OK.
Click Close.
Click on the header of the first column you wish to sort the data by.
Comment: Click once again on the column header to toggle between Ascending and Descending row order.
Press Shift and click on another column header to make a subsequent sort according to the values in that column.
Repeat step 2 on other columns as many times as you like.
Comment: You can also right-click in the table and open the Properties dialog. On the Sort Order tab, you can specify up to three columns to sort by.
To mark a single row:
Either click on the row with the mouse, or use the up/down arrow keys on your keyboard.
To mark several separate rows:
Hold the Ctrl key and click on each row you want to add to the marked selection. You can also hold the Ctrl key and use the up/down arrow keys on your keyboard to highlight other rows and then press space to mark them as well.
To mark a range of rows:
Press the mouse button and drag the pointer over the table to mark all the rows under the selection. You can also mark the first row of your intended selection, hold the Shift key, and use the up/down arrow keys on the keyboard to expand the selection of marked rows.
To change the marked rows' color:
Select Edit > Document Properties, and then change the marked items' color.
Right-click on the table visualization.
Select Row
Height and a number from the list.
Comment: Specifying the number 2 will make the row twice as high as
the standard height, and so on.
Select Other...
Enter a number in the Properties page.
Click Close.
Response: All rows in the table visualization change height.
Note: This can also be done in the Details-on-Demand.
Right-click in the cell with the content you want to copy.
Depending on the content of
the cell, different things can be copied. For example a text column
lets you copy the text from the cell by selecting Value
and for a column with links you can choose to copy either the displayed
text or the actual link.
Note: This can also be done in the Details-on-Demand.
To create a new table:
Click on the New Table button
on the toolbar, .
Comment: You can also select Insert > New Visualization > Table from the menu.
Response: A table showing all available columns is created.
Adjust the table to display the columns and sort order of your choice.
See also: