In TIBCO Spotfire, some functionality can be reached through panels that can be shown either at all times or on demand only. The state of a panel is remembered per page, so you can use one state on one page and another on the next page.
By default, the Filters panel and Details-on-Demand are shown as docked panels to the right and the Tags panel, the Lists panel and the Collaboration panel will be shown to the left in the main window, if displayed. Bookmarks are shown in a popover by default. However, all panels can be shown in three different states: as docked panels,as popovers or as floating windows. The legend of all visualizations is a special case which can be shown in a docked state or as a popover only; it cannot be unattached to a floating window like the other panels and popovers. See Legend for more information.
No matter what state is used to display the panel, the content will always be remembered.
Docked Panels
Docked panels may be preferred when you interact with the content of the panel often, or, when you need to see the content at all times. For example, if you need to view the current state of the filters in the filters panel. Docked panels can be moved to the left, right or bottom part of the Spotfire window using drag-and-drop.
To move docked panels inside the TIBCO Spotfire main window:
Click on the title bar of the panel you want to move.
Drag the panel to its new position.
If no other panels are displayed where you want to place your panel, simply drag it to the edge of the main window and a shaded area will show you where the panel will be displayed. If there is no shaded area you will not be able to drop the panel in that position.
If one or more panels are already displayed where you want to place your panel, the shaded area will help you decide the order of the panels.
Popovers are useful when the screen estate is limited and you only need a short interaction with the controls within the panel. For example, if you want to apply a bookmark and then continue with your analysis.
You can never display more than one popover at a time.
To undock a panel into a popover:
Click the Undock icon, , in the top
right corner of the panel. The panel will change into a popover, located
below its corresponding button in the toolbar.
You can click on the title of the popover and drag it to another position, temporarily. The popover will remain open on this position as long as you work within it. However, the next time the popover is opened it will be located below its corresponding toolbar button again.
To turn a popover into a docked panel:
Click the Dock icon, , in the top
right corner of the popover. You can also double-click on the header of
the popover to dock it.
Floating Windows
Floating windows can be used if you want to move that particular panel outside of the main Spotfire window. For example, if you want to keep the Collaboration panel open on a different screen.
To undock a panel into a floating window:
Double-click the title bar of the panel you want to undock.
Once undocked you can move the floating window by clicking the title bar and drag it to where you want it displayed.
To reposition floating windows:
Double-click on the title bar of the floating window to return it to the same position in the TIBCO Spotfire main window it was previously undocked from.
Note: Clicking the cross in the title bar will close the floating window. To bring back a hidden window, select View > and the name of the panel, or click the corresponding button on the toolbar.
Filters |
Details-on-Demand |
Tags |
Bookmarks |
Lists |
Collaboration |