Details on Add Bookmark Special

This dialog allows you to select exactly which bookmark parts to include in your bookmark.

Right-click on the add bookmark button, bm_add_bookmark_i.png, and select the Add Bookmark Special option, or press Ctrl+Shift+B on the keyboard to show the dialog.





The name of the bookmark.


Select the bookmark parts you want to capture in your bookmark.

Page Layout and Visualizations – Captures the layout and the setup of the visualizations on the active page. This includes all specified visualization properties. For example, selections on the axes of a visualization, coloring, formatting, and which visualization features are shown or hidden.

Active Page – Captures which page is active when the bookmark is captured.

Active Visualization – Captures which visualization is active when the bookmark is captured.

Filter Settings – Captures the filtering and filter types used on the active page.

Filter Organization – Captures the layout of the filters panel (sort order, filter groups, hidden filters).

Markings – Captures which items are marked in the visualizations in the bookmark. Note that the active marking for a visualization is included in the Page Layout and Visualizations bookmark part.

Properties – Captures any editable document, data table, and column properties used on the active page, as well as any property values referred to in a property control.

Select All

Click this button to select all check boxes.

Deselect All

Click this button to clear all check boxes.

See also:

What are Bookmarks?

How to Use Bookmarks