Specify Gallery view analyses
You can use the value for the key PopulateGalleryFromUrl in the configuration file MyConfiguration.plist to specify a URL to connect to and then download a list of analyses to populate the Gallery view when the app starts.
The list of analyses that you use to populate the Gallery view when the app starts is provided by a service. You must implement the service, which delivers a JSON array of key-value pairs with the following example format:
[ {"Description":"Arkoma Well Analysis", "ServerUrl":"http:\/\/spotfire-ondemand.tibco.com\/SpotfireWeb", "ThumbnailUrl":"http:\/\/spotfire-ondemand.tibco.com\/SpotfireWeb\/GetPreviewImage.ashx?analysisId=ffa2c946-23e5-47b7-870f-0b39f122ecc4", "Title":"ArkomaWellAnalysis", "Url":"http:\/\/spotfire-ondemand.tibco.com\/SpotfireWeb\/ViewAnalysis.aspx?file=\/Production\/Demos\/ArkomaWellAnalysis" } … ]
The app connects to the specified URL that provides this JSON array using the user's credentials. The app prompts for, and supplies to the server, the provided credentials when requesting this content, allowing content to be generated based on user identity, if necessary.
See JSON Example Keys for descriptions of required or optional entries in the JSON array. See JSON Security Considerations for more information about using JSON.