Marking values in cross tables

When you want to further explore the data summarized in the cross table cells, it is possible to, at the same time, mark all cell values in a column or in a row.

For information on different ways of exploring data that is marked, see Marking.

If the cross table is hierarchically structured, you can mark all values in the columns or rows under a higher level header in the hierarchy instantly.


  1. Click the header whose values you want to mark.
    You can click a header on the horizontal axis, or a header on the vertical axis.
  2. In the opened menu, select Mark values.
    The cell values subordinate to the header are marked.
    Tip: Alternatively, you can press Alt + click the header to mark the values.


In the cross table below, Mark values has been clicked for the header 'February'. Every value in the 'February' column is marked.

Marked cross table column

In the next cross table, Mark values has been clicked for the header 'Vegetables'. Because 'Vegetables' is on a higher level in the hierarchy, the values in all its sub-headers are marked.

Marked cross table row