Data types

The list shows the available data types.

Data type Description
Integer Integer values are written as a sequence of digits, possibly prefixed by a + or - sign. The integer values that can be specified range from -2147483648 to 2147483647. If used where a decimal value was expected, the integer values are automatically converted to decimal values.

Note that hexadecimal values can be used in custom expressions and in calculated columns. They cannot be used when opening data. Hexadecimal-formatted values have a size limitation of 8 characters.






0xff = 255

0x7fffffff = 2147483647

0x80000000 = -2147483648

LongInteger LongInteger can be used if the range for the standard Integer is not enough for your needs. It ranges from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. LongInteger cannot be converted to Real without precision loss, but it can be converted to Currency without precision loss.

Note: Hexadecimal values can be used in custom expressions and in calculated columns. They cannot be used when opening data.



0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF = -9223372036854775808

0x8000000000000000 = 9223372036854775807

Real Real values are written as standard floating point numbers with a period for a decimal point and no thousands separator. The real values that can be specified range from -8.98846567431157E+307 to 8.98846567431157E+307.

The number of significant digits that can be shown is limited to 15, even though 16 can be used in calculations.

Math operations on real values which produce results that cannot be represented by the real data type generate numeric errors. In the resulting data table, these special cases will be filtered out and replaced by null.








SingleReal SingleReal values are written as standard floating point numbers with lower precision and range than Real. SingleReal occupies 50% less memory than Real. The SingleReal values that can be specified range from -1.7014117E+38 to 1.7014117E+38.

The number of significant digits that can be shown is limited to 7, even though 8 can be used in calculations.

SingleReal can be converted to Real with minor precision loss.

Currency Currency constants are written as integer or real constants with an 'm' suffix.

The data format behind the currency type is decimal. The decimal data format uses the base 10 in its calculations, which means that the round-off errors that may occur when doing binary calculations can be avoided with this format. However, this also means that heavy calculations take a longer time.

The number of significant digits that can be shown for a currency value is 28 (29 can be used in calculations). Currency values that can be specified range from -39614081257132168796771975168 to 39614081257132168796771975168.

Currency columns cannot be used in data functions.

Date A date and time format depending on the locale on your computer. Dates from January 1, 1583 and forward are supported.



June 12

June, 2006

DateTime A date and time format depending on the locale on your computer. Dates from January 1, 1583 and forward are supported.



Monday, June 12, 2006 1:05 PM

6/12/2006 10:14:35 AM

Time A date and time format depending on the locale on your computer.


2006-06-12 10:14:35



TimeSpan TimeSpan is a value describing the difference between two dates.

It has 5 possible fields:


  1. Min: -10675199
  2. Max: 10675199


  1. Min: 0
  2. Max: 23


  1. Min: 0
  2. Max: 59


  1. Min: 0
  2. Max: 59

Fractions (decimals of seconds)

  1. Up to three decimals, i.e., the precision is 1 ms.

TimeSpan values can be displayed on a compact form: [-]d.h:m:s.f ([-]days.hours:minutes:seconds.fractions) or written out with words or abbreviations for each available field. Some of the descriptive forms can be localized.

Total min: -10675199.02:48:05.477

Total max: 10675199.02:48:05.477

Boolean True and false. Booleans are used to represent true and false values returned by comparison operators and logical functions.

The display values can be localized.




1 < 5

String String values are surrounded by double quotes or single quotes. Escaping is performed by entering the delimiter symbol twice in a row (i.e., '' or ""). A string value can contain any sequence of UNICODE characters. A double quote cannot be used within the string unless it is escaped. Backslash is used to escape special characters, so it too must be escaped.

The basic escaping rules are that only the characters defined below can be used after a \; everything else will generate an error.


"Hello world"




Binary May contain any type of data, encoded in binary form.



Chemical structure information