
You use the AllNext() navigation method, when you want to reference the current node along with the nodes that follow in the level of the hierarchy.

This is exemplified below.

If, for example Q4 2019 is the current node, the use of the AllNext() navigation method will reference five nodes, Q4 2019, and Q1-Q4 2020.

The AllNext() and AllPrevious() methods are similar, and they are useful when accumulating values in the nodes.


Note: The expression in the example assumes that in-memory data is used.

The bar chart displays how many students that reached various levels in a test. For example, 52 students reached level 1, and 131 reached level 6.

Assume you would like to know the percentage share of students that managed to reach, say, level 5 or higher. Apply the expression below, which uses the AllNext() as well as the All() method, on the value axis.

To explain what result the expression returns for each node, let us use level 5 as the current node to be re-evaluated. The first OVER expression, (Count([Students]) OVER ( AllNext ([ Axis.X ])), returns the number of students who reached level 5 or higher, that is, 316 (185 + 131), and the other part, Count([Students]) OVER (All([ Axis.X ]))), returns the total number of students, 754. So, 316 of the 754 passed at least level 5, that is, approximately 41,91% (316/754).