Hiding pages

An analysis might contain pages that, for different reasons, are not intended for Consumers (Consumers use the analysis in Viewing mode). The pages could be in a draft state, or they might contain information that is not relevant for Consumers. If you are an Author (that is, you have editing rights), you can hide such pages for Consumers. This means that Consumers will not be aware that these pages exist.

Hidden pages will disappear from the navigation, and they will not be searchable. However, it will still be possible to let Consumers access the hidden pages through, for example, bookmarks or action controls.
Caution: Every Author will be able to access the hidden pages, and moreover, also Consumers, if the analysis is opened in an older Spotfire version. Hence, you should not use this feature on pages that need to be hidden due to security reasons.

Export to PDF

When you do an ad-hoc export to PDF of an analysis that contains hidden pages, the hidden pages will be ignored and treated as they do not exist. However, it is possible to export hidden pages by including them in a prepared report. Any user, also a Consumer, can export such a report with the hidden pages included.

Tip: There might be cases, when it is beneficial to add extra information to analyses to be consumed in PDF format. To achieve this, add the information on certain pages, hide these pages, and then include them in a prepared report.


  1. Right-click the page navigation area at the bottom of the analysis, and make sure that Page navigation is set to Titled tabs.
  2. Right-click the page tab in question, and select Hide page.

    In Edit Mode, the page tab is dimmed. An author can still access the page by clicking the page tab. When in Viewing Mode, the page tab is totally hidden. Since Consumers always are in Viewing Mode, hidden page tabs will not be visible for them.

    To show the page again, right-click the dimmed tab, and select Show page.