- config-ldap-group-sync
- Installing Spotfire
Analyst silently (by using a software distribution system)
- Updating node
- Multiple Web Player
instances on one node
- Setting action logging
to write to a file using the configuration tool
- Disabling the memory dump feature
- Changing a user's name, password, or email
- Authentication towards
the Spotfire database
- Start Spotfire
- config-external-scheduled-updates
- Editing and running a basic configuration script
- Setting licenses
- Adding a data source template with the configuration tool
- show-import-export-directory
- list-sites
- Library content storage outside of the Spotfire database
- Authentication commands
- Automatically trusting
new nodes
- remove-jaas-config
- Spotfire Information Modeler license
- Configuring the database connection for Spotfire Server using Kerberos (Oracle)
- export-ds-template
- Manually editing the
service configuration files
- config-post-auth-filter
- Creating a keytab file for the Kerberos service account (using the ktpass command
from Microsoft Support Tools)
- Revoking trust of nodes
- Scheduled updates with prompted or personalized information links
- info_link actions logged from Spotfire Server
- Group synchronization
- Action log
- delete-disconnected-groups
- Restarting a node manager to terminate its running jobs
- set-config
- Migrating a database instance
- Service logs
- config-library-external-s3-storage
- config-basic-database-auth
- library actions logged from Spotfire Server
- Getting started
- find-analysis-urls
- Install node
- Kerberos authentication
- update-bootstrap
- Virtual memory modification
- Streaming and
WebSockets for load balanced servers
- Creating a troubleshooting bundle
- Setting different
authentication methods and user directories for sites
- Disabling or deleting scheduled updates and routing rules
- Routing rules
- import-jaas-config
- Spotfire Server fails to start
- Disabling user accounts
- Data sources introduction
- delete-oauth2-client
- Administration interface introduction
- Creating Spotfire users
- Preventing users from opening scheduled update files outside of their schedule window
- Configuring LDAPS
- Configure action logging using the configuration tool
- Installing a node manager interactively during upgrade
- Authentication and user directory introduction
- Setting up JMX
monitoring for JConsole
- Starting or stopping a
node manager (as a Windows service)
- Creating sites
- Installing Spotfire Web
Player instances
- User authentication
- export-users
- Database logging
- import-config
- X-XSS-Protection
- Registering an OIDC
- invalidate-persistent-sessions
- copy-rules-to-site
- Preferences introduction
- update-oidc-provider
- Customizing Spotfire for the end users
- switch-domain-name-style
- System monitoring properties
- Setting absolute session timeout by using the command line
- Deploying client packages to Spotfire Server
- Acquiring a Kerberos ticket by using a keytab file
- Customizing the service
logging configuration
- Trusting custom content in the Spotfire environment
- delete-node
- Configuring Spotfire Server for DIGEST-MD5 authentication of LDAP
- Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config
- Viewing trusted signers and items
- Manually editing the server configuration in an XML or text editor
- set-db-config
- list-services
- Setting the action log
- NTLM authentication
- User Action Log Panel
- config-public-address
- Creating an Information Services data source template using Kerberos login
- Disallowing cached and precomputed data in individual scheduled update files
- Spotfire Enterprise
Player license
- Executing commands on a local computer
- Viewing node information
- create-site
- Logging
- Advanced connection pool configuration
- Installing a node
manager (tarball Linux)
- list-licenses
- Setting up the Spotfire
database (SQL Server)
- Changing how often the
scheduled job history is cleared
- export-code-signing-root-certificate
- Additional configuration
- Miscellaneous
configuration commands
- Shutting down a service
- Setting the maximum inactivity time for an Automation Services job
- show-oauth2-client
- Configuring the database connection for Spotfire Server using Kerberos (SQL Server)
- External user accounts
- import-rules
- Server.xml file
- Kerberos authentication for JDBC data sources
- Deleting sites
- Administration
- Logging and exporting monitoring diagnostics
- Manually starting the node manager process (tarball Linux)
- Creating a JAAS application configuration for the Spotfire database connection pool
- A group hierarchy template
- manage-deployment-areas
- LDAP authentication and user directory settings
- Custom configurations for managing space needs
- Configuring shared
import and export folders for clustered deployments
- Applying hotfixes to
the server
- config-import-export-directory
- promote-admin
- Creating a keytab file for the Kerberos service account (using the ktab command from
the bundled JDK)
- JAAS commands
- Action log
- Connector names in configuration file
- Local job activity
- set-config-map-prop
- Connectors
- Preconfiguring Spotfire
Web Player services (optional)
- show-basic-ldap-auth
- Enabling automatic dump capture from non-responsive Web Players
- Switching the scheduled update method from automatic to manual
- Starting or stopping
Spotfire Server (Windows, service exists, Integrated Authentication for SQL
- Session management
- JDBC connection
- JMX configuration commands
- Creating a computer service account manually
- Troubleshooting the Spotfire database
- Adding trusted signers to a group
- Starting or stopping a
node manager (Linux)
- config-userdir
- Setting up the Spotfire
database (SQL Server with Integrated Windows authentication)
- Service configuration
- Spotfire Advanced
Analytics license
- import-service-config
- Reference
- Enabling constrained delegation
- migrate-db
- Configuring logging to a PostgreSQL database using the command line
- Running the node
manager upgrade tool silently
- Enabling GC logging
(server running as Windows service)
- Contacting support
- Rolling back a node manager update
- ems action logged from Spotfire Server
- config-anonymous-auth
- Starting or stopping
Spotfire Server (Linux)
- Creating a keytab file
for the Kerberos service account
- Creating a keytab file for the Kerberos service account (using the ktutil command
on Linux)
- Deleting groups from the system
- Scheduled updates and Automation Services rules
- list-ntlm-auth
- Nodes, services, and
resource pools
- Monitoring
- Accessing Spotfire Server and node logs
- Initial configuration
- Information Services
- trust
- Setting web client idle time behavior by using the command
- Importing routing rules and schedules from a different Spotfire environment
- Viewing routing
- Configuration using the configuration tool
- Automation Services Job
Builder and Client Job Sender
- Configuring NTLM for a cluster of Spotfire Servers
- Viewing help on configuration commands
- Editing scheduled updates
- remove-config-prop
- Web Player analyses information - Overview
- Optional security HTTP headers
- config-library-external-data-storage
- Disabling or deleting scheduled Automation Services jobs
- list-windows-userdir-config
- run
- Authentication towards
- Spotfire Server logs
- Moving certificates from one system to another
- register-job-sender-client
- Disabling or deleting scheduled updates and routing rules
- Web Player service performance counters
- Command-line reference
- JMX levels
- Acquiring a Kerberos ticket by using a username and password
- Using Kerberos to log in to the Spotfire database
- list-users
- download-troubleshooting-bundle
- Deleting a deployment area
- dblogging actions logged from the database
- create-default-config
- import-code-signing-certificate
- config-external-auth
- show-preference
- Creating a computer
service account in your Windows domain
- Saving basic
configuration data (authentication towards Spotfire database)
- Automation Services job scheduling
- Revoking a server certificate
- Installation of Spotfire Server during upgrade
- Users introduction
- Configuring two-factor authentication
- System user accounts
- Enabling action logging
and system monitoring using the command line
- create-user
- Removing packages from a deployment area
- set-server-service-config
- Adding software packages to a deployment area
- Downloading
- Database drivers and database connection URLs
- Disabling the attachment manager cache
- config-external-ignite-process
- Configuring the action log web service using the command line
- Local user accounts
- create-jmx-user
- Adding a user to one or more groups
- Advanced OpenID Connect
- Enabling Kerberos for Internet Explorer and Spotfire Analyst
- TimingLog
- External
- Automation Services actions logged from the web service
- Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config
- Uninstallation
- set-user-password
- Opening the Spotfire
Server administration pages
- Auditlog
- Viewing service configuration information
- Deployments and deployment areas
- External directories and domains
- Disabling the username and password fields in the Spotfire Analyst login dialog
- Post-authentication filter
- Common analysis loading errors
- add-member
- Configuring the Salesforce connector
- Creating a new deployment area
- Exporting a distribution
- Setting up the Spotfire
database (Oracle)
- show-library-permissions
- Running the node manager upgrade tool interactively
- untrust-node
- Users cannot log in
- X-Content-Type-Options
- remove-ds-template
- PerformanceCounterLog
- Deleting schedules
- Increasing the number of available sockets on Linux
- Web authentication
- Clustered server
- Removing a user from one or more groups
- LDAP commands
- Library job activity
- config-cluster
- Removing members from a group
- trust-node
- Starting or stopping
Spotfire Server (Windows, no service)
- Generating client proxies
- Enabling Kerberos debug logging
- Manually updating a file outside of its update schedule
- list-post-auth-filter
- Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Core.config
- help
- Switching back to the Standard (default) logging level
- Information Services
- set-config-list-prop
- scheduled_updates
actions logged from Spotfire Server
- Setting idle session timeout by using the command line
- Spotfire Diagnostics license
- Displaying or hiding the Spotfire Server version
- add-ds-template
- Updating the PostgreSQL database
- remove-ldap-config
- list-service-configs
- untrust
- Creating the
bootstrap.xml file
- Changing the number of retries for failed scheduled updates
- Trusting a node
- Server and node logging levels
- Copying a distribution to another deployment area
- License feature
- Advanced
- Performance
- Configuration using the command line
- Sites
- Spotfire library introduction
- Manual configuration
- Log4j2 configuration properties
- Spotfire Analyst
actions logged from the web service
- config-scheduled-updates-retries
- Action logs and system monitoring
- Enabling delegated Kerberos for Google Chrome
- list-active-service-configs
- Cache-Control
- Configuring anonymous authentication
- Creating schedules
- Switching to another Java Development Kit for the Spotfire Server
Switch to another Java Development Kit
- Backup of services
- Spotfire Server SOAP APIs
- Spotfire Extensions
- list-nodes
- list-userdir-config
- export-deployment-area
- Updating the Oracle database
- Running the Spotfire
Server upgrade tool interactively
- bootstrap
- Spotfire Server REST APIs
- Configuring external library storage in AWS
- list-auth-config
- Configuring external
- Copying the Kerberos service account’s keytab file to Spotfire Server
- Single logout (SLO)
- System groups
- demote-admin
- Monitoring external library storage and fixing inconsistencies
- Enabling the JMX logging appender
- Basic troubleshooting
- Creating scheduled updates by using TIBCO EMS
- Creating a Windows domain account for the Spotfire database
- list-admins
- Installing a node
manager (interactively on Windows)
- Spotfire Consumer
- list-jaas-config
- Connector configuration
- list-oauth2-clients
- Creating a thread dump
- Setting idle session timeout and absolute session timeout by using the configuration
- Changing the default
location of server logs
- Upgrading service
- Enabling GC logging
(server running on Windows)
- config-encryption
- Configuring connectors
for use with web clients and Spotfire Automation Services
- TIBCO Documentation and
Support Services
- modify-ds-template
- Group-based and role-based synchronization
- admin actions logged on Spotfire Server
- Enabling health check URL for load balanced servers
- list-online-servers
- Introduction to the
TIBCO Spotfire environment
- Configuring external library storage in a file system
- Enabling Kerberos for Mozilla Firefox
- config-jmx
- Setting the maximum execution time for an Automation Services job
- Spotfire Analyst
- Spotfire collective
- Hiding the Spotfire header in the user interface
- import-scheduled-updates
- Spotfire Server
- Enabling an RSS feed in the Spotfire login dialog
- Exporting routing rules and schedules for import in a different Spotfire environment
- Enabling geocoding tables for map charts
- Deleting users from the system
- Viewing the name of the active service configuration
- export-service-config
- Manually editing the server configuration in the configuration tool
- HTTP Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS)
- config-basic-ldap-auth
- Upgrading or
downgrading client packages
- Changing the name of a
resource pool
- Installation and
- Library
- DateTimesLog
- Setting up
- list-configs
- Shutting down node services gracefully through script
- config-ntlm-auth
- Changing the priority of a rule
- Database
- Assigning a deployment area to a group
- Setting up Kerberos
authentication on nodes
- export-rules
- UserSessionStatisticsLog
- Changing the default location of the Web Player temporary files
- remove-license
- Configuring a specific directory for library import and export
- Client configuration
- Editing scheduled Automation Services jobs
- show-code-trust
- Automatically
installing services and instances
- Configuring Spotfire Server to use X.509 client certificates to authenticate users
- Kerberos authentication for clustered servers with load balancer
- Enabling constrained delegation on nodes
- Krb5.conf file
- Running the Spotfire
Server upgrade tool silently
- Example scenario
- Web Player actions
logged from the web service
- Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host and Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.Debug
- Script language
- Groups and licenses introduction
- config-oidc
- Downloading
installation software
- Renaming a group
- delete-disabled-users
- update-ldap-config
- Services commands
- Creating scheduled updates by using Spotfire Server
- Deleting services
- User name and password authentication methods
- delete-user
- config-auth-filter
- Post-installation steps
- Installing the Spotfire
Server files (tarball Linux)
- Absolute session timeout and idle session timeout
- System monitoring reference
- Enabling unconstrained delegation on a domain controller in Windows Server 2003 mode
- export-groups
- Configuration and administration commands by function
- Using Kerberos
authentication with delegated credentials
- Backup of Spotfire database
- list-ldap-config
- set-config-prop
- Running database preparation scripts manually
- config-windows-userdir
- Registering an OAuth 2.0 API client
- update-deployment
- list-certificates
- Spotfire Server public web services APIs
- Setting up a cluster of
Spotfire Servers
- Setting the Spotfire
Server service to start on boot (Linux)
- config-two-factor-auth
- import-users
- revoke-code-signing-certificate
- Monitoring CPU usage by nodes
- Changing the logging
level for a server or node that is not running
- Single sign-on authentication methods
- delete-library-content
- config-library-external-file-storage
- Preparation
- Viewing assemblies information
- Creating an
administrator user
- list-code-signing-certificates
- Authentication towards Windows NT Domain (legacy)
- Spotfire Server files
- The default routing rule
- Viewing user licenses
- block-code-trust
- Installing a node
manager (RPM Linux)
- Location of server
- clear-preference
- config-web-service-api
- Disabling administration tasks on specific Spotfire Servers (by selecting servers
to disable)
- remove-code-trust
- Switching to another Java Development Kit for the node manager
Switch to another Java Development Kit
- Preventing Spotfire Servers and node managers from starting automatically
- Running a scheduled Automation Services job outside of its schedule
- Configuring Kerberos for Java
- OpenFilesStatisticsLog
- Plan and collect
required system information
- Applying hotfixes for
- Changing server and node logging levels
- Preventing administrators from adding local users when using LDAP
- Authentication using X.509 client certificates
- Users
- Server monitoring using
- Installing the Spotfire
Server files (interactively on Windows)
- Adding resources to
resource pools
- Disabling administration tasks on specific Spotfire Servers (by selecting servers
to enable)
- Action log reference
- Copying routing rules and schedules from one site to another
- show-join-database
- Starting or stopping Spotfire Server (Windows)
- Sites administration
- Automation Services
instance performance counters
- config-ldap-userdir
- Kerberos authentication for clustered servers with load balancer
- Tips for running antivirus software
- config-login-dialog
- Installing database drivers for Information Designer
- Exporting library
content by using the command line
- Changing whether scheduled updates are sent to exhausted service instances
- add-code-trust
- Changing whether recovered rules are automatically enabled
- Start or stop Spotfire Server
- Database connectivity
- set-site
- config-persistent-sessions
- Node manager
- Moving a server and its
nodes to a different site
- Administration
- Temporary tablespace
- Managing active user sessions
- list-jmx-users
- Installing Spotfire
Automation Services instances
- list-addresses
- list-ldap-userdir-config
- Enabling unconstrained delegation for an account on a domain controller in Windows
2000 mixed or native mode
- Forcing Java to use Internet Protocol version 4
- register-oidc-client
- Action log
- Updating the Microsoft SQL Server database
- Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Automation.config
- Changing the settings that determine when Web Player instances are recycled due to
low temporary disk space
- Manual configuration
- XML settings for data source templates
- Enabling GC logging
(server running on Linux)
- Run the node manager upgrade tool
- Uninstalling node managerWindows
- Spotfire clients introduction
- set-addresses
- set-sensitive-config-prop
- Configuring two-factor authentication using the command line
- Changing the priority of a rule
- Blocking certificates, users or custom items
- set-license
- Manually creating a
simple configuration
- Setting up the Spotfire Server bootstrap file for Integrated Windows authentication
- copy-library-permissions
- config-custom-web-auth
- Installing Oracle Essbase Client on client computers
- Glossary
- show-deployment
- Modifying the virtual memory (server running as Windows service)
- Upgrading a cluster of
Spotfire Servers
- Accessing services logs
- Accessing performance data
- delete-service-config
- Adding members to a group
- Importing a library for
analyzing action logs in Spotfire Analyst
- Backup of Spotfire Server
- Setting the number of Spotfire Web Player instances to make available for a scheduled
- Creating a memory dump
- Running the configuration tool on a local computer
- export-library-content
- Spotfire Server runs out of JVM memory
- config-action-log-database-logger
- Running the configuration tool on a local computer
- Revoking trust of a node
- Enable Kerberos authentication for end-users
- migrate-action-db
- Nodes and services
- Service installation on
a node
- Information Services
- Installing the Spotfire
Server files (silently on Windows)
- modify-db-config
- export-config
- Update action logs and system monitoring
- list-groups
- Viewing website information
- config-client-cert-auth
- Upgrading
- Monitoring CPU usage by instances
- Scheduled updates monitoring
- Modifying the virtual memory (server not running as Windows service)
- Deleting resource
- Configuring the Microsoft SharePoint Online connector
- Node Log4j2 configuration properties
- config-sessions
- Keytab file for the Kerberos service account
- Acquiring a Kerberos ticket by using the identity of the account running the Spotfire
Server process
- Customize statistics and performance counter logging
- Two-factor
- Executing commands on
the command line
- Monitoring and diagnostics
- Server database commands
- test-jaas-config
- Access to the connectors
- Configure action logging using the command line
- Services monitoring
- Setting up MySQL5 vendor driver
- Renaming a deployment area
- Configuring logging to
a Microsoft SQL Server database using the command line
- JMX configuration security features
- config-auth
- Uninstalling Spotfire ServerWindows
- import-groups
- Additional settings for scheduled updates
- Action log generic entries
- create-join-db
- config-basic-windows-auth
- Registering the JAAS application configuration file with Java
- Default join
- Spotfire Server instrumentation
- config-action-log-web-service
- Action log
configuration commands
- Basic installation
process for Spotfire
- Setting up the Spotfire
database (PostgreSQL)
- Tuning and logging
- Backup and restore
- Service log
- System monitoring entries
- create-scheduled-jobs
- Scripting a configuration
- reset-trust
- Enabling cached and precomputed data for scheduled update files
- User directory
- version
- Starting or stopping
Spotfire Server (as a Windows service)
- SASL authentication for LDAP
- DocumentCacheStatisticsLog
- Creating resource
- enable-user
- How licenses work
- Login behavior
- User synchronization
- Setting the node
manager service to start on boot (Linux)
- list-deployment-areas
- Website diagnostics
- X.509 client certificates for clustered servers with load balancer
- Installing database drivers for Information Designer
- Ports and firewall
- Changing the default deployment area
- set-public-address
- list-logging
- Security administration
- Configuring the Spotfire database account to the Windows domain account
- codetrust actions logged from Spotfire Server
- Spotfire Connectors license
- Removing resources from
resource pools
- clear-join-db
- copy-deployment-area
- config-kerberos-auth
- create-group
- Rolling back a service
- check-external-library
- revoke-consent
- list-service-instances
- Deployment introduction
- delete-site
- Bootstrap.xml file
- Web Player analysis information - Details
- Applying hotfixes to
the Spotfire environment
- Memory exhaustion
- Starting or stopping
Spotfire Server (Windows, no service, Integrated Authentication for SQL
- Selecting Kerberos as the Spotfire login method
- update-site
- Sample action log output
- show-licenses
- Included drivers and data source templates for Information Services
- create-ldap-config
- Configuring the action
log web service using the configuration tool
- QueryLog
- Changing how long the server waits before assuming that a node manager is offline
- Updating a server configuration in the configuration tool
- s3-download
- Configuring
- Switching from online to offline administration help
- Removing trusted signers from a group
- Assigning a primary group to a subgroup
- Applying hotfixes to the server during upgrade
- Groups and licenses
- Installing Spotfire
Analyst silently (by using the command line)
- Importing library
content by using the command line
- Data source template commands
- Environment communication introduction
- SameSite Cookie
- Installing CA certificates
- import-library-content
- Examining the statistics of an individual analysis
- copy-group-membership
- Disable administration tasks on specific Spotfire Servers
- Code trust commands
- Updating services
- Configuring NTLM
authentication for a single server
- routing_rules actions logged from Spotfire Server
- Server configuration commands
- Configuring Spotfire Server for GSSAPI authentication of LDAP
- Upgrading nodes
- Spotfire Business
Author license
- Authentication modes
- config-action-logger
- Routing introduction
- Opening the
configuration tool
- Data source templates
- Verifying a data source template
- Installation
- Configuring logging to an Oracle database using the command line
- Configuring Spotfire
Server to require client certificates for HTTPS
- Configuring Spotfire Server Web Services APIs
- show-config-history
- Authentication towards a custom JAAS module
- config-csrf-protection
- Creating routing rules
- Spotfire database
- Preconfiguring Spotfire Automation Services (optional)
- Legal and Third-Party
- Installing the Oracle database driver
- Available information for troubleshooting job activity
- Node logs
- delete-jmx-user
- Configuring LDAP
- Scheduled updates to analyses
- Viewing user profiles
- Scheduling Automation Services jobs
- General logging properties
- Configuring OpenID
- register-api-client
- config-attachment-manager
- MonitoringEventsLog
- Spotfire Analyst
- Updating a server configuration on the command line
- find-analysis-scripts
- Switching the Java Development Kit
- Creating environment
- X-Frame-Options
- Persistent Spotfire sessions
- Information Services
- Server bootstrapping and database connection pool configuration
- Setting action logging
to write to a database using the configuration tool
- set-preference
- Spotfire Administrator license
- Installing the Spotfire
Server files (RPM Linux)
- Manually editing the server.xml file
- Command-based library administration tasks
- Clearing all packages from a deployment area
- Terminating TLS in a
load balancer or reverse proxy
- MemoryStatisticsLog
- Garbage collection logging
- set-service-config
- Registering Service
Principal Names
- Configuring custom web
- Installing a node
manager (silently on Windows)
- Troubleshooting Spotfire Server
- set-logging
- Run the Spotfire Server upgrade tool
- Creating a Kerberos service account
- Spotfire database introduction
- Combination of LDAP and
Spotfire database authentication
- list-ds-template
- Setting up Kerberos authentication on Spotfire Server
- Automation Services activity
- Configuring the Google Analytics and Google BigQuery
- LDAP synchronizations
- Creating groups
- auth actions logged from Spotfire Server