This property shows Standard Deviation.
C++ Example
Running Basic Statistics in C++:
//The following example will retrieve the total and available amounts of memory //available (categorized by physical, page file, and virtual memory). Next, //descriptive statistics are run on the two variables (total memory and available //memory). Finally, the variables are totaled and the sum is appended to the spreadsheet. #include <windows.h> #include <comdef.h> //needed for COM //The "#import" directive imports the class library information of the //specified file. In this case, the file "statist.exe" will give us access to the //Statistica interface and its documents' library. You will either need to include //this file in your project directory, or hard code the full path to the file in the //#import directive. Lastly, note that "#import" is a Visual C++ compiler specific //directive; if you are using a different compiler, then please consult your compiler's //documentation on how to import a COM interface. #import "statist.exe" #import "sta_bas.dll" //Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define MEGABYTE 1048576 //2^20 #include <cstdio>using namespace STATISTICA;using namespace STABasicStatistics; int main() { //retrieve information about the current memory status MEMORYSTATUS Memory; ::GlobalMemoryStatus (&Memory); //Physical memorylong TotalPhyMem = static_cast<long>(Memory.dwTotalPhys/MEGABYTE); long FreePhyMem = static_cast<long>(Memory.dwAvailPhys/MEGABYTE); //Page file long TotalPageFile = static_cast<long>(Memory.dwTotalPageFile/MEGABYTE); long FreePageFile = static_cast<long>(Memory.dwAvailPageFile/MEGABYTE); //Virtual memorylong TotalVirtMem = static_cast<long>(Memory.dwTotalVirtual/MEGABYTE); long FreeVirtMem = static_cast<long>(Memory.dwAvailVirtual/MEGABYTE); long TotalAvailMem = TotalPhyMem + TotalPageFile + TotalVirtMem; long TotalFreeMem = FreePhyMem + FreePageFile + FreeVirtMem; //Launch STATISTICA //Initialize COM ::CoInitialize(NULL); STATISTICA::_ApplicationPtr pApp; //initialize a new STATISTICA object through COM HRESULT hr = ::CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(STATISTICA::Application),NULL,CLSCTX_SERVER, __uuidof(STATISTICA::_Application),reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pApp)); //verify that COM was able to create an instance of STATISTICA if (FAILED(hr)) { ::MessageBox(NULL,L"Unable to intialize STATISTICA", L"Initialization Failure",MB_ICONHAND); return EXIT_FAILURE; } try { //Pass in login information if Enterprise is installed. //You will need to customize this for your system. pApp->SWSInfo(L"Isabelle", L"password123",L"", L"", L"", L""); //create a new spreadsheet named "Current Memory" _SpreadsheetPtr pSpreadSheet = pApp->Spreadsheets->New(L"Current Memory"); pSpreadSheet->Header->PutValue(L"Total and Available Computer Memory"); //increase the width of the cases pSpreadSheet->PutCaseNameWidth(1.5); //rename the first two variables pSpreadSheet->PutVariableName(1,L"Total"); pSpreadSheet->PutVariableName(2,L"Available"); //rename the first three cases pSpreadSheet->PutCaseName(1,L"Physical Memory"); pSpreadSheet->PutCaseName(2,L"Page File Memory"); pSpreadSheet->PutCaseName(3,L"Virtual Memory"); //fill the spreadsheet with our calculated data pSpreadSheet->PutValue(1,1,TotalPhyMem); pSpreadSheet->PutValue(1,2,FreePhyMem); pSpreadSheet->PutValue(2,1,TotalPageFile); pSpreadSheet->PutValue(2,2,FreePageFile); pSpreadSheet->PutValue(3,1,TotalVirtMem); pSpreadSheet->PutValue(3,2,FreeVirtMem); //remove the extra cases and variables pSpreadSheet->DeleteVariables(3,10); pSpreadSheet->DeleteCases(4,10); pSpreadSheet->Visible = true; //run descriptive statistics on the dataset _AnalysisPtr pBasDiag = pApp->Analysis(scBasicStatistics); pBasDiag->Run(); BasDescriptiveStatisticsPtr pBasDesc = pBasDiag->Dialog; //analyze both variables pBasDesc->PutVariables("1 2"); //all of the defaults except std. dev. will be used pBasDesc->StandardDeviation = false; //also include sum, range, and median pBasDesc->Sum = true; pBasDesc->Range = true; pBasDesc->Median = true; //process the analysis output pBasDiag->GetRouteOutput(pBasDesc->Summary.GetInterfacePtr())->PutVisible(true); pBasDiag->Close(); //append our own custom statistics (sums) to the dataset pSpreadSheet->AddCases(3,1); pSpreadSheet->PutCaseName(4,L"Totals:"); pSpreadSheet->PutValue(4,1,TotalAvailMem); pSpreadSheet->PutValue(4,2,TotalFreeMem); } catch(_com_error Err) { ::MessageBox(NULL,Err.Description(),pApp->Name,MB_ICONHAND); return EXIT_FAILURE; } //clean up after the COM initialization pApp.Release(); ::CoUninitialize(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
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