TXTStartup Members
Text mining startup dialog shows the following functions and properties
Properties | Description |
Application | Returns application object. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
CharsAllowedInWord | Characters allowed in words. Return/assignment value: String. |
CharsAllowedToBeginWord | Characters allowed to begin a word. Return/assignment value: String. |
CharsAllowedToEndWord | Characters allowed to end a word. Return/assignment value: String. |
CombineSynonyms | Combine synonyms. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
CreateNewProject | Create new project. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
DatabaseFile | Database file path, PMML file or Enterprise path, or PMML string (for deployment). Return/assignment value: String. |
DeployNewDocuments | Deploy or score new documents. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
ExcludeStopWords | Exclude stop words. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
GetDocumentsFromDisk | Browse and retrieve documents directly from the disk or the Web. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
GetTextFromFile | Retrieve text from files (file names) specified in a variable in the input file. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
GetTextFromVariable | Retrieve text directly from the contents of cells in the selected variable in the input file. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
GoToResultsDialogWithoutAddingDocuments | Go to results dialog without adding documents (review previously results/index). Return/assignment value: Integer. |
IncludePhrases | Include phrases. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
InclusionFile | Inclusion file. Return/assignment value: String. |
IndexWordsOnlyBetweenSpecifiedPhrases | Index words only between specified phrases. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
KeepUnselectedWordsInDatabase | Keep unselected words in database for advanced browsing. It may cause dramatic slowness. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
LoadDocuments | Load documents (from disk or Web). Return/assignment value: String. |
MaximumNumberOfCharsInWord | Maximum number of characters in word. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
MaximumNumberOfConsecutiveConsonants | Maximum number of consecutive consonants. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
MaximumNumberOfConsecutivePunctuations | Maximum number of consecutive punctuations. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
MaximumNumberOfConsecutiveSameChars | Maximum number of consecutive same characters. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
MaximumNumberOfConsecutiveVowels | Maximum number of consecutive vowels. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
MaximumNumberOfIndexedWords | Maximum number of indexed words. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
MaximumPercentofFilesWordOccurs | Maximum percent of files word occurs. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
MinimumNumberOfCharsInIndexedWord | Minimum number of characters in indexed word. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
MinimumNumberOfCharsInWord | Minimum number of characters in word. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
MinimumNumberOfVowels | Minimum number of vowels. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
MinimumPercentofFilesWordOccurs | Minimum percent of files word occurs. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
ModelFileList | Model file list. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
Name | Return value: String. This property is read only. |
Parent | Returns the parent of the object. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
PhraseFile | Phrase file. Return/assignment value: String. |
PhraseToEndIndexing | Phrase to end indexing. Return/assignment value: String. |
PhraseToStartIndexing | Phrase to begin indexing. Return/assignment value: String. |
ResultsCodes | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsOption | Assignment value: Integer. |
ResultsOutputFields | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsSaveFileName | Assignment value: String. |
ResultsSelection | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsSelectionOption | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsValues | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsVariables | Assignment value: Variant. |
SVBHandler | Optional per-document pre-processing macro (disk or Enterprise path). Return/assignment value: String. |
SelectOnlyInclusionWordsForAnalysis | Select only inclusion words for analysis. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
StemmingLanguage | Stemming language. Return/assignment value: TxtStemmingLanguage. |
StopWordFile | Stop word file. Return/assignment value: String. |
SynonymFile | Synonym file. Return/assignment value: String. |
UpdateNewDocuments | Update new documents. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
UseExistingProject | Use existing project. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
VariableContainingDocumentFileName | Variable containing document names or Web URL's (references). Return/assignment value: String. |
VariableContainingText | Variable containing text to analyze. Return/assignment value: String. |
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