Project Members

Statistica Project interface.


Name Description
AddAllOpenDocuments Add all open and visible documents to the project.
AddDocument Add a document to the project.
HideAll Hide all visible documents in the project.
Open Open a project.
OpenUI Open a project by displaying the open project dialog to allow the user to browse and select a file. Return value: Boolean.
ReleaseDocuments Unload all loaded documents. They may be reloaded if any subsequent operation requires them.
ReleaseFile Close the project file to ensure the file is not locked. The file may be reopened by this project if any operation requires re-loading a previously closed document.
RemoveAll Remove all documents from the project.
RemoveDocument Remove a document from the project.
Save Save the project.
SaveAs Save the project.
SaveAsUI Save a project by displaying the save project dialog. Return value: Boolean.
ShowAll Make all documents in the project visible.


Name Description
Analyses Get a collection containing all analyses in the project. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
Count Returns the number of documents in the project. Return value: Long. This property is read only.
DataMiners Get a collection containing all data miners in the project. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
Graphs Get a collection containing all graphs in the project. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
InPlaceDBs Get a collection containing all IDP documents in the project. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
Item Get a document in the project. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
Macros Get a collection containing all macros in the project. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
Options Get/set options; use bitwise combinations of enum ProjectOptions. Return/assignment value: ProjectOptions.
Pathname Get the pathname of the project file. Return value: String. This property is read only.
Reports Get a collection containing all reports in the project. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
Spreadsheets Get a collection containing all spreadsheets in the project. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
Workbooks Get a collection containing all workbooks in the project. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.