Data Mining - Workspaces Menu Commands

Select Data Mining - Workspaces on the Data Mining menu to display a submenu that contains commands to create a Statistica Workspace. In the workspace, you can build and maintain complex models, commands to select predefined templates of workspaces for simple and complex tasks, and commands to select Statistica analysis modules for particular specialized analyses.
Option Description
Data Miner - All Procedures Creates a blank workspace with the default complete Node Browser configuration with more than 260 individual nodes.
General Slicer/Dicer Explorer with Drill-Down You can select the Interactive Drill Down command from the submenu to display the Statistica Drill-Down module with interactive tools for performing drill-down analyses on any data source. Select Build Your Own Project from the submenu to choose from predefined sets of data mining templates for typical types of analysis problems.
General Classifier (Trees and Clusters) You can select a command from the submenu to create data mining projects for classification-type problems, that is, for analyses involving predictive classification for a categorical (class) variable. Note that the analytic nodes in the Node Browser configuration by the same name are all marked as with deployment. These nodes automatically generate the necessary information to classify new observations based on the models that were fit (parameter estimates derived) for a training sample. You can either Build Your Own Project using these nodes, or choose the pre-arranged Quick Linear Models Project or Advanced Comprehensive Classifiers Project. The latter two options load pre-arranged projects containing arrangements of powerful analytic nodes for classification. The Quick Linear Models Project applies (quick) discriminant function analysis for classification; the Advanced Comprehensive Classifiers Project contains a large number of sophisticated classification tools, including various tree-classification methods and neural network architectures.
General Modeler and Multivariate Explorer Select a command from the submenu to create data mining projects for regression-type problems, that is, for analyses involving prediction of a continuous variable. Note that the analytic nodes in the Node Browser configuration by the same name are all marked as with deployment. These nodes automatically generate the necessary information for predicting new observations based on the models that were fit (parameter estimates derived) for a training sample. You can either Build Your Own Project using these nodes, or choose the pre-arranged Quick Linear Models Project or Advanced Comprehensive Regression Models Project. The latter two options load pre-arranged projects containing arrangements of powerful analytic nodes for regression-type problems. The Quick Linear Models Project fits (quick) linear models; the Advanced Comprehensive Classifiers Project contains a large number of sophisticated tools for prediction, including various regression tree methods and neural network architectures.
General Forecaster You can select a command from the submenu to create data mining projects for time series type problems, that is, for problems involving forecasts from lagged measurements. You can either choose the pre-arranged Neural Network Time Series Project, which contains several nodes for forecasting and for computing projections from multiple models and neural network architectures, or choose to Build Your Own Project. The Node Browser General Forecaster configuration for projects created by this option contains the tools specifically applicable to time-series and forecasting problems.
General Neural Network Explorer You can select a command from the submenu to create data mining projects using the neural network tools. Select Multilayer Perceptrons Project to display a pre-arranged project containing a single multiplayer perceptron node; select Advanced Multiple Architectures Project to display a pre-arranged project containing various neural networks architectures.