Time Series Analysis - Specify the Moving Average Weights

Click the Specify weights button on the Transformations of Variables dialog box - Smoothing tab to display the Specify the moving average weights dialog box.

Weight 1, 2, 3... Enter values in the Weight 1 and Weight 2 boxes to specify the weights to be used for the moving average smoothing transformation. Note that only the relative magnitudes of the weights matter; for example, specifying .25, .5, .25 or 1, 2, 1 will produce exactly the same result; that is, in this case, the first and the third observation in the moving average window will be assigned half the weight as the second observation, or:

Xnew = (W1*X1 +W2*X2 +W3*X3)/(W1+W2+W3)

where W1,2,3 are the weights. Only positive weights are allowed.

Element Name Description
OK Click the OK button to accept the values entered and return to the Transformations of Variables dialog box.
Cancel Click the Cancel button to return to the Transformations of Variables dialog box. Any changes made in the Specify the moving average weights dialog will be ignored.
Common Value Use the Common Value box to specify a common value to use for all weight boxes.
Apply Click the Apply button to apply the value specified in the Common Value box to the weight boxes.