Fast Independent Component Analysis Results Dialog - Quick Tab

Select the Quick tab of the Fast Independent Component Analysis Results dialog box to access the options described here.

Element Name Element Type Description
Summary Button Displays the ICA model settings and specifications in spreadsheet format.
Components Button Displays the principal components in spreadsheet format.
Un-mixing-matrix Button Displays a spreadsheet containing the un-matrix computed from centered data.
Save components Button Saves the principal components of the current ICA model, along with other variables of your choice selected from the data set, into a spreadsheet. After clicking this button, a variable selection dialog will be displayed, where you can select variables to save. This option is particularly useful in order to create input data files for further analyses.
Summaries for components Box This group box contains four options (listed below), as well as the list window, where you can select the independent component for which you want to print the Descriptive statistics, Histograms or Line plots (see below). You can also generate Scatterplots by selecting multiple items.
Descriptives Button Creates the descriptive statistics (mean, variance, minimum and maximum) of the selected components in spreadsheet format.
Histograms Button Produces the histogram plots of the selected components.
Line plots Button Produces the lines plots of the selected components.
Scatterplots Button Creates a graph(s) of the principal components of the current ICA model in scatterplot format. If you have selected three components, for instance, 3 scatterplots will be displayed, the first of which will be the plot of component 1 against component 2, the second of which will be the plot of component 1 against component 3, and finally the plot of component 2 against component 3.