Statistica Visual Basic Library of Matrix Functions - VectorDualSort (Vector, IndexVector, Direction)

Parameter Description
Vector name of vector to sort (see Arrays in functions)
IndexVector name of index vector (see Arrays in functions) to rearrange, following the sort in Vector
Direction direction of sort (SORT_ASCENDING, SORT_DESCENDING)

The VectorDualSort function will sort the values in Vector (see Arrays in functions) into ascending or descending order, depending on the value of Direction (either SORT_ASCENDING or SORT_DESCENDING, respectively). The values in IndexVector will be rearranged accordingly, so that all pairs of values Vector(i) and IndexVector(i) will remain unchanged.

Related topics
VectorRank, VectorSort. For more information on using arrays, see Arrays in functions. For a complete list of matrix functions, see Statistica Visual Basic library of matrix functions.