Workspace Node: HDFS Export Text - Specifications Tab

The HDFS Export Text workspace node can be accessed from the Feature Finder, ribbon bar, or Node Browser.

The Specifications tab of the specifications dialog box displays by default when you double-click the node.


    1. Click this button to display the HDFS Browser.
    1. Select a server (from among the HDFS servers defined in Enterprise) for the output file.
    1. Specify a File name.  File names in Hadoop are case sensitive.

Field separator

Specify either a Tab, Comma, Space, or Semicolon to separate the fields in the text file.

You can also select the Other option button and enter a character in the adjacent box to use as a field separator.


Put variable names in the first row

Select this check box if you want the variable names to display in the first row of the file.

Include long variable names

Select this check box to display the long variable names (if any, see Variable Specifications Editor) along with the short names in the new file.

 If no long variable names have been specified for any of the selected variables, the setting of this check box will have no effect.

Put case names in the first column

This option is available and automatically selected when case names are defined in the data set.

Numeric Variables w/Text Labels

Specify whether to export numeric variables with text labels as text labels or as numbers.

Display Formatting.

Use display formatting

When this check box is selected, the text will be exported as displayed, for example, as a date.

Use English (USA) formatted numbers

This check box is disabled when your computer is set to the US region.

If foreign regional formatting options are enabled on your computer, this check box is available. Select it to use English formatting: for example, to use the English decimal point character (.) as the decimal separator.

Case Delimiter

The selected delimiter is used to mark the end of a line or a line break.

Specify either Unix, Windows, or Mac OS, or select the Other option button and enter the Case Delimiter in the adjacent field.


See Common Options.


Click this button to accept all the specifications made in the dialog box and to close it.