Copy Cases

You can access the Copy Cases dialog box in the following ways:
  • Ribbon bar. Select the Edit tab. In the Insert group, click Cases and on the menu, select Copy to display the Copy Cases dialog box.
  • Classic menus. On the Insert menu, select Copy Cases to display the Copy Cases dialog box.
This dialog box is used to make a copy of the case(s) and insert it in the location of your choice.
Option Description
From case In the From case box, type (or use the microscrolls to select) the first case in the range to be copied.
To case In the To case box, type (or use the microscrolls to select) the last case in the range to be copied.
Insert after In the Insert after box, type (or use the microscrolls to select) the case after which you want to insert a copy of the selected case(s).

After selecting the case(s) and desired location, click OK. Note that you cannot make a copy of a range of cases within the same range. For instance, if you copy cases 1-10, you cannot insert the copy of this range of cases after case 5.