GDA - Select Apriori Classification Probabilities

Click the User spec. button in the Prior probabilities of classifications group box on the GDA Quick specs dialog box - Advanced tab or the GDA Models Wizard--Extended Options - Advanced tab to display the Select Apriori Classification Probabilities dialog box. In this dialog box, enter the desired a priori probabilities of membership in each class of the dependent variable in the respective edit fields. If the entered values do not add to 1.0, the program will proportionately adjust the specified values.

Click the OK button to return to the Advanced tab after specifying the desired a priori probabilities.
Click the Cancel button to return to the Advanced tab, ignoring any changes you have made in this dialog box.
Common Value
Enter a Common Value to use for all classes of the dependent variable.
Click the Apply button to apply the value specified in the Common Value field to all classes of the dependent variable.