A Simple Example - Inverting a Matrix
The following example illustrates how to use the functions in the Statistica library of matrix functions to perform some basic matrix operations: Namely, matrix inversion and matrix multiplication:
' The following statement will cause all arrays to be
' declared by default as 1-referenced, i.e., the
' first element in an array will be element 1, not 0.
' Note that the matrix and Statistical functions
' will work fine with 0-referenced arrays; however,
' it can be confusing to write programs with 0-
' referenced arrays, because many of the matrix
' functions expect arguments based on 1-referenced
' arrays.
Option Base 1
'$include: "*STB.svx"
Sub Main
' Set up two 4 x 4 matrices.
Dim a(4,4) As Double, ainv(4,4) As Double
Dim i As Long, j As Long
' Fill the matrix with random numbers
For i=1 To 4
For j=1 To 4
Next j
Next i
' Display the original matrix.
MatrixDisplay (a, "Original Matrix A")
' Invert the matrix.
' Display the inverted matrix.
MatrixDisplay(ainv, "A, Inverse")
' Multiply a*a-inverse
MatrixDisplay(a,"A * A-inverse")
'Note that you could also directly call the MatrixObject to access
'these functions. For example: MatrixObject.MatrixDisplay(a,"A * A-inverse")
End Sub
A few things should be noted. First, be sure to include file STB.svx before making the calls to the matrix library, as shown above; otherwise, the program will not run. Second, the statement Option Base 1 causes all arrays to be created, by default, as 1- referenced arrays. In other words, the first element in arrays can be referenced as element number 1, the second as number 2, etc. If the Option Base 1 statement is omitted, then by default, arrays are declared as 0-referenced, i.e., the first element in an array is element 0 (zero), the second element is element 1, etc. While it is not necessary that the arrays used in the calls to matrix functions (via the interfaces in STB.SVX) are 1-referenced, it can make writing programs using these functions a little less confusing.