Time Series Analysis - Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT)
- Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) - General Introduction
- Time Series Analysis - Single Spectrum (Fourier) Analysis
Spectrum analysis is concerned with the exploration of cyclical patterns of data. The purpose of the analysis is to decompose a complex time series with cyclical components into a few underlying sinusoidal (sine and cosine) functions of particular wavelengths. The term "spectrum" provides an appropriate metaphor for the nature of this analysis: Suppose you study a beam of white sun light, which at first looks like a random (white noise) accumulation of light of different wavelengths. However, when put through a prism, we can separate the different wave lengths or cyclical components that make up white sun light. In fact, via this technique we can now identify and distinguish between different sources of light. Thus, by identifying the important underlying cyclical components, we have learned something about the phenomenon of interest. In essence, performing spectrum analysis on a time series is like putting the series through a prism in order to identify the wave lengths and importance of underlying cyclical components. As a result of a successful analysis one might uncover just a few recurring cycles of different lengths in the time series of interest, which at first looked more or less like random noise. - Time Series Analysis - Cross-spectrum Analysis
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