Crosstabulation Tables - Stub-and-Banner Tab

Select the Stub-and-banner tab of the Crosstabulation Tables dialog box to access options to compute stub-and-banner tables. Once you have specified the tables, click OK in the Crosstabulation Tables dialog box to display the Crosstabulation Tables Results dialog box.

Specify tables (select variables)
Click the Specify tables (select variables) button to select variables for stub-and-banner tables. Stub-and-banner tables are essentially two-way tables, except that two lists of categorical variables are crosstabulated. In the stub-and-banner results table, one list will be tabulated in the columns (horizontally) and the second list will be tabulated in the rows (vertically) of the spreadsheet. After clicking the Specify tables (select variables) button, a standard variable selection dialog box will be displayed. Note that, after clicking this button, the list of crosstabulation tables will be cleared (if one has previously been selected on the Crosstabulation tab). The number of stub-and-banner tables to be created will be shown in the No. of 2-way tables field.
Identification of levels in table factors
The options in the Identification of levels in table factors group box are used to determine how the table factors will be labeled.

Use all integer codes in the selected vars. Select the Use all integer codes in the selected vars option button to use all integer code values in the selected variables (see above) for the crosstabulation.

Use selected groupings codes only. Select the Use selected grouping codes only option button to specify the codes that are to be used for the crosstabulation tables. Click the Codes button to display the Select codes for grouping factors dialog.