Statistica Libraries and Modules

All statistical procedures and graphs and their customization are available as properties or functions to Statistica Visual Basic (SVB).

In order to provide a transparent programming environment for the user, the analysis objects and properties belonging to those objects are arranged to correspond to the respective flow of options and dialog boxes, as if the respective analyses were performed interactively. In addition, a large number of properties, functions, constants, and events (subroutines associated with particular user-initiated events performed in documents; e.g., right-clicking on a results spreadsheet) are available to manage documents, files, and various general analysis options. To review the libraries and scope of the installation of SVB on your computer, display the Object Browser: Create a new macro (select New from the File menu; on the Create New Document dialog box, select the Macro (SVB) Program tab, and create a macro), and then select Object Browser from the View menu.

Following is a list of the currently available Statistica modules and the name of the respective libraries accessible to Visual Basic:

Module (Option) Library Name Symbolic Constant
Association Rules STAASC scAssociation
Basic Statistics STABasicStatistics scBasicStatistics
Boosted Trees STABTrees scBoostingTrees
Canonical Analysis STACanonical scCanonicalAnalysis
Classification Trees STAQuickTrees scQuickTrees
Cluster Analysis STACluster scClusterAnalysis
Correspondence Analysis STACorrespondence scCorrespondenceAnalysis
Discriminant Analysis STADiscriminant scDiscriminantAnalysis
Distribution Fitting† STANonparametrics scDistributions
Drill-Down Explorer STADrillDown scDrillDown
Experimental Design (DOE) STAExperimental scDesignOfExperiments
Factor Analysis STAFactor scFactorAnalysis
Feature Selection STAFSL scFeatureSelection
General Classification

 and Regression Trees

STAGTrees scGTrees
General Discriminant Analysis Models STAGDA scGDA
Generalized Additive Models STAGAM scGAM
Generalized Clustering STAGCluster scGeneralClusterAnalysis
Generalized Linear/Nonlinear Models STAGLZ scGLZ
General Linear Models STAGLM scGLM
General Partial Least Squares Models STAPLS scPLS
General Regression Models STAGRM scGRM
Goodness of Fit STAGoodnessOfFit scGoodnessOfFit
Interactive Trees STAITrees scInteractiveTrees
Log-Linear Analysis STALogLinear scLogLinearAnalysis
Machine Learning Methods STAMachineLearning scMachineLearning
MARSplines STAMARSplines scMARSplines
Multidimensional Scaling STAMultidimensional scMultidimensionalScaling
Multiple Regression STARegression scMultipleRegression
Neural Networks STANeuralNetworks scNeuralNetworks
Nonlinear Estimation STANonlinear scNonlinearEstimation
Nonparametrics STANonparametrics scNonparametrics
Principal Components and Classification Analysis‡ STAFactor scAdvancedPCA
Process Analysis Techniques STAProcessAnalysis scProcessAnalysis
Quality Control        STAQuality scQualityControl
Rapid Deployment of Models STARapidDeployment scRapidDeploy
Reliability/Item Analysis STAReliability scReliabilityAndItemAnalysis
Survival Analysis STASurvival scSurvivalAnalysis
Text Miner STATextMiner scTextMining
Time Series STATimeSeries scTimeSeries
Variance Components STAVarianceComponents scVarianceComponents

*The ANOVA Results dialog box functions are accessible via the General Linear Models library.

†The Distribution Fitting module functions and routines are part of the Nonparametrics library.

‡The Principal Components and Classification Analysis techniques are accessible via the Factor Analysis library.

Note 1: The list of modules and procedures and Statistica libraries available to Visual Basic is constantly growing.

Note 2: The Graphs menu graphs are all part of the Statistica main reference library; you can review the respective constants to instantiate a particular analysis (graph type) in the Object Browser.