Options - Analyses/Graphs: Display

In the Options dialog box, select the Display tab (located under Analyses/Graphs) to access options to customize the analysis display of Statistica. The specifications made on this tab are used as the default operating conditions whenever you open Statistica.

Option Description
Animate when opening and closing dialogs Select this check box to display animation when analysis dialog boxes are minimized or maximized. This check box is selected by default.
Auto minimize dialogs when displaying output (recommended OFF when using a large screen) Select this check box to automatically minimize all analysis dialog boxes when you create output from an analysis or graph. This check box is selected by default.
Hide all associated windows when an Analysis is deselected Select this check box to minimize all windows associated with a particular analysis when that analysis is no longer the active analysis. By default this check box is cleared. This check box only applies when the results are sent to individual windows.
Bring all associated windows to the top when an Analysis is selected Select this check box to activate (bring to the top of Statistica) all windows associated with a particular analysis when that analysis is selected, replacing whatever dialog boxes were on top. By default this check box is selected. This check box only applies when the results are sent to individual windows.
Hide summary box on the Results dialogs Select this check box to hide the summary box, which is located at the top of certain dialog boxes and contains basic summary information about the analysis. This check box is cleared by default.
Start another Analysis of the same type without asking if that is what you intend Select this check box to automatically start a new session when you select a module from the Statistics, Data Mining, or Graphs tab or menu, and one (or more) module(s) of the same type is currently running.

If this check box is cleared, when you select a module from the Statistics, Data Mining, or Graphs tab or menu, and one (or more) module(s) of the same type is currently running, the Starting Duplicate Analysis dialog box is displayed, where you confirm whether you want to continue the current analysis or start a new one of the same type.

Display graph fit expression Select an option from the drop-down list to enable or disable the display of a fitted function equation in the graph.
Off Turns off the display of the fitted function equation.
In title The fitted function equation are displayed in the title area of the graph.

If there is not enough room in the title area, Statistica places the equation in a movable legend. If a function cannot be fitted (such as in categorized graphs, where one category may not contain any or not enough points), a blank line is displayed in place of that function.

As custom text The fitted function equation is displayed in a movable legend in the graph.

Selecting this option forces the text of the fitted functions (equation) into the custom (movable) text format even if the number of equations is less than 5, and, thus, the functions would fit in the fixed title of the graph. This is useful when you intend to extensively edit or integrate the text of functions with other text or when the length of the functions exceed the capacity of the fixed titles. Note that if there are more equations to be displayed than fit in the fixed title of the graph, they are always displayed as custom text.

Display Progress Bar Select an option from the drop-down list to control the display of the progress bar when a graph is being produced.
Disable Turns off the display of the progress bar.
Enable Displays the progress bar each time a graph is produced.
Warn when spreadsheet has cloaked rows Select this check box to display a warning message when you start an analysis or create a graph using a spreadsheet with cloaked cases.

Briefly, any cases that are cloaked in the spreadsheet are still used in analyses and graphs. You can change the case state of cloaked cases to either Excluded or Hidden using the Mark Cloaked Cases Excluded or Mark Cloaked Cases Hidden command on the Data - Auto Filter submenu. Excluded cases are not used in calculations, but they are displayed in graphs. Hidden cases are used in all calculations, but they are not displayed in graphs.

When cases are cloaked using the Auto Filter command (also available from the Data - Auto Filter submenu), you can use case selection conditions to exclude the cases from all analyses. From the Data - Auto Filter submenu, select Set as Selection Conditions. The Spreadsheet Case Selections Conditions dialog box is displayed; it is populated with the auto filter criteria enabling you to use those criteria as your case selection conditions. Those cases that do not meet the case selection conditions (that is, the cloaked cases) are excluded from all analyses and graphs.

Automatic variable pre-screening and classification Use the options in this group box to determine how variables of measurement type Auto are classified by Statistica. The settings only control how variables of measurement type Auto are classified in the variable selection dialog boxes (if the Show appropriate variables only check box is selected in the variable selection dialog box).
Note: For some statistics analyses that do not specify appropriate variable types, and for all graphs, the Show appropriate variables only check box is disabled.
Off (variables with Measurement Type 'Auto' will not be classified) Select this option button if you do not want Statistica to classify variables of measurement types Auto for the analyses. Those variables that are set to Auto are classified as Unspecified and show up in all variables lists of the variable selection dialog boxes. Variables with explicit measurement types, however, are shown only in the appropriate lists of the variables selection dialog boxes if the Show appropriate variables only check box is selected.
Treat a variable as categorical if it has labels or is of type Text, Integer, or One-byte Variables with measurement types Auto are automatically identified according to all variables of type text, integer, byte, and all variables with text labels as categorical variables.

Others are treated as continuous variables. A variable of type integer, text or byte is classified immediately as categorical. The first 10 cases are read if the variable type is double and text labels exist; if all cases are found to have text labels, the variable is then classified as categorical, otherwise it is treated as continuous.

 Alternately, if you select an explicit measurement type setting, then the variables are classified as identified. In other words, an explicit setting of the variables measurement types override the automatic identification of variables. Either way, when this option button is selected, as well as the Show appropriate variables only check box, the Statistica variable selection dialog boxes only display the appropriate variables in the variable selection lists and as described above.

Treat a variable as categorical if it has labels or is of type Text, Integer, or One-byte; or contains only integer values in the first _ cases Select this option button to allow Statistica to identify all variables as described above in Treat a variable as categorical if it has labels or is of type Text, Integer, or One-byte. In addition, up to k case values for all remaining unclassified variables of type double are inspected. If all inspected values are integers, the variable is classified as categorical.
Note: Statistica considers variables that contain integers to be categorical. Integer variables that contain numerous unique values might inadvertently be misclassified as categorical, when the intention is that they should be considered continuous. Although this is an exceptional situation, it is recommended that integer variables that are meant to be seen as continuous should have their Measurement Type set to Continuous.
Display selection conditions This option determines whether the selection conditions used in your analyses are displayed in your output graphs and spreadsheets. Select the Graph output and Spreadsheet output check boxes to display selection conditions in graphs and spreadsheets, respectively. If your analysis or data set does not contain selection conditions, nothing is displayed.
When generating SAS code warn about SAS's variable naming conventions Select this check box to enable a general message that alerts Statistica -generated SAS deployment code users of the variable naming conventions of SAS.