Transformations of Variables

The program will apply user-defined transformations to variables. To reference variables in equations, use either the generic notation V1=..., or specific variables names (which must match).


Election Name Description
Custom transformations Specifies the custom transformations for variables in the input data. Specify one transformation per line. Refer to variables by number or name, e.g., V1=log(v3) or Name1=Log(Name3).

 Note that invalid values will be converted to missing data (MD), and that math function calculations equate to MD if any argument contains a missing value.
Recompute spreadsheet transformations Recompute (re-evaluate) all spreadsheet transformations, in addition to the custom transformations specified here. Spreadsheet transformations can be evaluated either before or after the custom transformations are computed.
Subset variables downstream This node will create a data spreadsheet for further subsequent analyses. You can either create a subset of the variables, retaining only those that were selected for the analyses (select Yes), or you can 'carry along' all variables from the original input data source.
Add k variables before transformations Add k variables to the data file before applying the transformations; the new variables will be appended after the last variable in the current input data; the default variable names will be NewVar1, NewVar2, etc., but the prefix (NewVar) can be changed in the Prefix for new variables control. Use this option to assign results of transformations to new variables, e.g., NewVar1=v1+v5.
Variable name prefix for new variables Variable name prefix for new variables, to be appended to the current input data; this option is only applicable if the Add k variables before transformations parameter is greater than 0, i.e., when you selected to append variables to the input data file.

 When adding new variables, they will be appended after the last variable in the current input data; the default variable names will be NewVar1, NewVar2, etc., but the prefix (NewVar) can be changed via this control. Use this option to assign results of transformations to new variables, e.g., NewVar1=v1+v5.