SANN - Custom Neural Network/Subsampling - Real Time Training Graph Tab

You can select the Real time training graph tab of the SANN - Custom Neural Network dialog box or the SANN - Subsampling dialog box to access the options described here. For information on the options that are common to all tabs (located at the top and on the lower-right side of the dialog box), see SANN - Custom Neural Network or SANN - Subsampling.

Option Description
Real time training graph display Use the options in this group box to specify the samples that you want to plot in the training graph.
Display real time training graph for Select this check box to display the real time training graph. This graph displays the training and test subset error rate, and updates in real-time. You can interrupt training at any point (by either finishing training and accepting the network or canceling the training run).
Train error Displays the error rate of the training sample in real time.
Test error Displays the error rate of the testing sample in real time.