Summary: Parameter estimates
Displays a spreadsheet with parameter estimates, their standard errors, the ratio of the parameter estimates divided by their standard errors (under the heading t-value), and the Wald statistic (which for large samples has a Chi-square distribution under the null hypothesis that the coefficient is equal to 0).
Note: The standard errors (and t-values) are computed from the second order partial derivatives of the log-likelihood function, resulting in asymptotic standard errors (and t-values) for the parameters.
Parameter covariances & correlations
Displays two spreadsheets, one with the variance/covariance matrix of the parameter estimates and one with the correlation matrix.
Stratified analysis
Displays a spreadsheet with the results of the stratified analysis; specifically, the spreadsheet shows the sum of the log-likelihoods of the model, fitted within each group, and the log-likelihood of the model fitted to all observations combined. In order to examine the parameter estimates for a particular group, specify the appropriate case selection conditions (that is, select only cases belonging to the group of interest), and then fit the respective model in the usual manner.
Note: Stratified analysis is available only if a stratified analysis (analysis by groups) is requested on the
Regression Models for Censored Data dialog box - Quick tab or the
Proportional Hazard Model with Time-Dependent Covariates dialog box - Quick tab (that is, a grouping variable is selected) and if the
Equal coefficients, different baseline h0 (in stratified analysis) check box on the
Regression Models for Censored Data dialog box - Options tab is not selected.
Means & standard deviations
Displays a spreadsheet with the means and standard deviations for the survival times and the independent variables (covariates).
Expressions with covariates
Creates a spreadsheet containing the expressions for time-dependent covariates which you specified in the Proportional Hazard Model with Time-Dependent Covariates dialog box.