Rapid Deployment of Predictive Models - Profit Chart/ROC Curve Tab

Select the Profit Chart/ROC Curve tab of the Rapid Deployment of Predictive Models dialog box to access the options described here.

Element Name Description
Category of response Select the response category for which to compute the Profit Chart and ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) Curve.
Profit Chart Options Specify in this group box the cost per observation and profit for each correct classification. For example, if you are performing a mailing campaign targeted to specific customers, there is a cost associated for contacting each customer and an estimated profit based upon customer response.
Cost per incorrect observation Enter the nonnegative cost per incorrect observation here.
Profit per correct classification Enter the nonnegative profit per correct classification here.
Profit Chart Click this button to create a profit chart for the selected category of response.
ROC Curve Click this button to produce a ROC curve for the selected category of response.