Options - Configurations

In the Options dialog box, select the Configurations tab to access options to create, manage, and modify separate configurations of Statistica. Note that you must restart Statistica for the new configuration to take effect.
Option Description
Name Names of configurations are listed in this column.
Description User-entered descriptions of configurations are listed in this column.
Last Saved The date the configuration was last saved is listed in this column.
Active Configuration The currently used configuration is reported in this field.
Select Restarts Statistica using the selected configuration.
Save Saves changes to the currently selected configuration. Note that when you click the OK button in the Options dialog box, changes are automatically saved to the currently active configuration (this is not necessarily the selected configuration).
New Creates a new configuration. A prompt is displayed where you can specify whether you want to create a configuration based on an existing configuration.
Delete Select a configuration and click this button to delete the selected configuration.
Reset Resets the active configuration to a fresh state.
Rename Select a configuration and click this button to display the Specify Configuration Information dialog box, in which you can change the configuration name and description.
Import Displays a standard Open dialog box, in which you select the *.xml file containing the configuration you want to import.
Export Exports a configuration to an *.xml file. You are asked which configuration you want to export.