Recording Macros Recording an Analysis into a Statistica Visual Basic Program
- How do I execute an SVB program from within Statistica?
To run a Statistica Visual Basic program from within Statistica, in the currently active Statistica Visual Basic program editor, either click the toolbar button, press F5, or select Run Macro from the Run menu. - What exactly is recorded in Master Macros?
- How can I record an Analysis Macro?
- How can I record a Master Macro (Log of Analyses)?
- How can I record my analysis in an SVB program?
There are three categories of macros that can be automatically created as you run Statistica: - What exactly is recorded in Analysis Macros?
Analysis Macros are the ones that are created automatically and are always being recorded "behind the scenes" whenever you start an analysis from the Statistics or Graphs menus. The term "analysis" in Statistica denotes one task selected either from the Statistics or Graphs menu, which can be very small and simple (e.g., one scatterplot requested from the Graphs menu) or very elaborate (e.g., a complex structural equation modeling analysis selected by choosing that option from the Statistics menu and involving hundreds of output documents).
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