Options - Documents: Reports

In the Options dialog box, select the Reports tab (located under Documents) to access options to customize the report functionality of Statistica.

The specifications made on this tab are used as the default operating conditions whenever you open Statistica.

Option Description
Show object tree You can select this check box if you want to show the navigation tree by default whenever a report is opened.

If you clear the check box and then want to view the tree, you can open the navigation tree by selecting the Show Tree check box on the Report tab in the Display group. When a new report is created, the navigation tree is not displayed until an object is added to the report.

Save in RTF file format (object tree, header, and footer information will not be preserved) By default, Statistica Reports are saved (and viewed) using the *.str file format.

Using this format ensures that the report is opened in Statistica , thus you can use the navigation tree to locate specific items in the report.

Select the Save in RTF file format check box if you would rather save the report in RTF format.

Display warning when printing Spreadsheets as OLE objects When you start to print a report and this check box is selected, the Output Options dialog box is displayed where you can specify whether to print spreadsheets as objects (as they are sized in the report window) or to expand each spreadsheet to its full size and print the full contents of the table area of each spreadsheet (each spreadsheet on a separate page).
Print Spreadsheets as Use the options in this group box to control how embedded spreadsheets are printed when you print your report.
Objects (as they are sized in the Report window) Prints spreadsheets as objects (as they are sized in the report window). Only the part of the spreadsheet that is displayed in the report window appears in the printout.

This also applies to the Statistica Reports saved as .rtf files, and opened in other applications (or printed/saved in those applications. By default, the segment of the spreadsheet printed from the report window is approximately 3 inches long by 4 inches wide (to see more, double-click on the object to display the scrollbars), but you can adjust this setting. You can also increase or decrease the parts of the individual spreadsheets that are printed (or shown in exported .rtf documents) by resizing (with the mouse) the displayed areas of the individual spreadsheet objects in the report window.

Full-sized Spreadsheets (on separate pages) Prints spreadsheets at full size, including all variables and cases.
Export HTML images as Use the options in this group box to control what format your images (graphs, imported pictures) are saved as when you save your report as HTML.
PNG format Saves your images in PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format.
JPEG format Saves your images in JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format.
Default Spreadsheet size Use the boxes in this group box to control what amount of the spreadsheet is displayed as an object when you insert the spreadsheet into the report.
Width You can enter the default spreadsheet width.
Height You can enter the default spreadsheet height.
Default Graph size Use these boxes to control the default size of a graph inserted into a report.
Width You can enter the default graph width here.
Height You can enter the default graph height here.
Add to Report performs Use the options in this group box to specify whether you prefer documents to be moved or copied to the report.
Move If you select this option button, click the Add to Report button to move a document in a stand-alone window to the workbook. The stand-alone window is deleted.
Copy If you select this option button, click the Add to Report button to copy a document in a stand-alone window to the workbook. The document also remains in the stand-alone window.
Font You can select a font size from the drop-down list or type a number in this box to specify the report font size.
Create printer resolution Clipboard/Report/Metafile images This option determines the line thickness for rendering the main components of the graphs used when generating metafile representations of Statistica Graphs.

Metafile representations are created for the Clipboard in these circumstances:

  • When Statistica Graphs are pasted as metafiles (and not as Statistica active objects) to other applications, such as MS Word.
  • When Statistica Reports are printed or exported as RTF documents
  • When you save Statistica Graphs in the Metafile (.wmf) format in order to edit them as vector images in other programs

In most typical applications, leave this option selected at low resolution (the default setting) in order to create directly printable representations of Statistica Graphs in other programs.

Depending on the resolution of your display, images created with the default settings might not look as clean on the screen as when the option is cleared and high resolution metafiles are generated). Metafiles generated using high resolution rendering, on most high-quality printing devices, create output with too thin lines (for instance, with a single device pixel lines on a 1200 DPI printer).

This option does not affect the quality of graphs saved/printed as Statistica Graphs files/objects, where the precise translation of the requested line thickness into printed or displayable resolution is not limited by compatibility concerns resulting from using the Metafile (.wmf) representation.

Don't encode special characters when exporting HTML You can select this check box to escape HTML formatted special characters when saving as HTML.