Centerline type
This dropdown list allows you to select the
Centerline type from these options:
- Calculated process mean
- Calculated median
- Use defined centerline
- If
Use defined centerline is selected, the analysis will look for variables named
*_CENTER for each characteristic (where '*' is the name of the characteristic) and use the value of the variable as the centerline value.
- Each time the value in the
*_CENTER variable changes, moving downward in the column, the system will create a new set.
- If a value in the
*_CENTER variable is blank, the system will use the previous valid value found in the column.
- If no valid values are found in the
*_CENTER variable, the
Calculated process mean will be used as the
Centerline value.
Sigma type
Use this dropdown list to choose the one of the following
Sigma types:
- Calculated process sigma
- Standard deviation
- Use defined sigma
- If
Use defined sigma is selected, the analysis will look for variables named
*_SIGMA for each characteristic (where '*' is the name of the characteristic) and use the value of the variable as the
Sigma value.
- Each time the value in the
*_SIGMA variable changes, moving downward in the column, the system will create a new set.
- If a value in the
*_SIGMA variable is blank, the system will use the previous valid value found in the column.
- If no valid values are found in the
*_SIGMA variable, the
Calculated process sigma will be used as the
Sigma value.
Centerline label type
This dropdown list allows you to choose from the
Centerline label types:
- Number only
- Text only
- Text and number
- None
Target type
The target line is a user defined reference line or limit line for each type of sample in data. You must define a
Sample identifier variable on the
General tab>
Variable for the target line to work.
Variable to use as sample identifier selection box
This dropdown list allows you to select one of the following
Target line
Target label name
In this text box, enter a label for the
Target line when the Text only or
Text and number options are selected.
Target label Type
This dropdown list allows you to choose the
Target label type from the following:
- Text only
- Text and number
- Number only
- None
Target line type
Use this dropdown list to specify the shape of the
Target line in graphs from the following:
- Solid
- Dash
- Dot
- Dash Dot
- Dash Dot Dot
- Dot 2
- Dense Dot
Target line size
Use this miniscroll to select the
Target line size. The range allowed is between 0.1 to 20. If any other values are specified, a default value of 0.2 will be used as
Target line size.
Note: If the node has already been run, the most recent valid value used in this field will be applied to the analysis.
Target line color
This dropdown list allows you to choose the
Target line color from the following:
- Orange
- Yellow
- Blue
- Red
- Black
- Dark Grey
- Light Grey
- Green
- Purple
- Pink
- Brown
- Light Blue