2D Scatterplots with Histograms - Advanced Tab
The Advanced tab of the 2D Scatterplots with Histograms Startup Panel contains a variety of options for both the scatterplot and the histograms.
Scatterplot fit
The options in the Scatterplot fit group box apply only to the scatterplot component graph. You can fit either none (select Off) or one of several equations to the data in the scatterplot by selecting one of the predefined functions in this box.
Linear | Distance Weighted Least Squares |
Polynomial | Negative Exponential Weighted Least Squares |
Logarithmic | Spline |
Exponential | Lowess |
Intervals for X-Histogram/Intervals for Y-Histogram
Use the options in these boxes to specify a method of categorization of the values for each of the component histograms. The Integer mode, Unique values, Categories, Boundaries, and Codes options are discussed in Method of Categorization.
Histogram size
Use the Histogram size box to adjust the size of the component histogram with respect to the size of the graph window (e.g., 30% of the graph window size). Note that the size of the scatterplot will adjust accordingly.
Click the Variables button to display the standard variable selection dialog box, in which you select the X and Y variables to be plotted in the component scatterplot graph. A histogram will also be produced for each variable (the X variable histogram will be placed above the scatterplot while the Y variable histogram will be placed to the right of the scatterplot in the compound graph display). The selection you make is displayed in the area of the dialog below the Variables button.
Histogram statistics
You can include a variety of statistics as footnotes in the graph by selecting one or more of the statistics listed in this box.
Total count
Select this check box to include the total count or number of cases used in creating the histogram.
Shapiro-Wilk test
Select this check box to include the Shapiro-Wilk W statistics for normality and its associated p-value.
Descriptive statistics
Select this check box to include a variety of descriptive statistics including the total count, mean, and standard deviation as well as the minimum and maximum values.
Select this check box to include the Kolmogorov-Smirnov d statistics (for normality), its associated p-value and the Lilliefors statistic.
Scatterplot statistics
You can include a variety of statistics as footnotes in the graph by selecting one or more of the statistics listed in this box.
R square
Select this check box to include the R-square for the plotted variables.
Correlation and p
Select this check box to include the correlation for the plotted variables and its corresponding p-value.
Regression equation
Select this check box to include the regression equation in the plot.
Histogram fit
You can superimpose a distribution over your histograms. Select the type of distribution to fit from this list. For more details on fit types, see
Fitted Functions for Histograms.
Breaks between columns
Select this check box if you want the histogram columns to be separated from each other. According to common convention, histograms of continuous variables should be displayed with no breaks (the breaks signify discrete values).