Graph Template

Ribbon bar. Select the Graphs tab. In the Tools group, click Multiple Graph Layouts and from the menu, select Templates to display the Graph Template dialog box.

Classic menus. via the Graph - Multiple Graph Layouts submenu, select Templates to display the Graph Template dialog box.

Use these options to create a Multiple AutoLayout Graph containing the specified number of blank graphs ("place holders"). This graph is useful when you want to use the Paste Special option to replace each blank graph with OLE objects.

Number of blank graphs to arrange
Specify the number (1 to 25) of blank graphs to be included in the Multiple AutoLayout Graph. The blank component graphs in the template can later be replaced with OLE objects (e.g., Statistica graphs or other artwork) using the Paste Special command from the Edit tab or menu, or you can add extra text in place of the inserted blanks.
Click OK to display the AutoLayout Wizard - Step 2, in which you can select the desired layout and other options. Note that you can click on the Change Graph List in the Wizard to display the AutoLayout Wizard - Step 1. Here, you can add current graphs or graphs from file to the list of blank graphs, and then proceed as described in the AutoLayout Wizard - Step 1. Alternatively, you can create a Multiple AutoLayout Graph with current graphs or graphs from file and blank graphs using the Graphs - Multiple Graph Layouts - Wizard command.
Click this button to close the dialog box without creating a Multiple AutoLayout Graph.