Specify Boundaries For
On the 2D Histograms Startup Panel - Advanced tab, select the Boundaries option button in the Intervals group box, and then click the Specify Boundaries button to display the Specify Boundaries for dialog box.
Specify boundary range
Select the Specify boundary range option button, and enter the Minimum, Interval, and Maximum. This sets the binning ranges for a histogram. The ’min/max/step’ option will be expressed as continuous rather than using the discrete ’boundaries’ approach. This will allow distributional fits to be used for this method.
Enter Boundaries
Select the Enter Boundaries option button, and in the adjacent box, enter a list of the desired boundaries for the selected variable. For example, if you enter 1 3 4 9, the following five ranges (i.e., categories) of values of the selected variable will be created:
- x<=1
- 1<x<=3
- 3<x<=4
- 4<x<=9
- 9<x
As you can see from this example, the intervals do not have to be of equal width, but the boundaries do need to be of consecutive numbers (e.g., 1 3 9, not 1 3 1 9).
Definition. The Enter Boundaries option (see above) will apply to the selection here; either Upper boundaries or Lower boundaries.
Variables. Click this button to display a variable selection dialog box, where you select the variables to be binned.
Click the OK button to accept the entries and return to the 2D Histograms Startup Panel.
Click the Cancel button to close this dialog box without specifying any boundaries.