Gage Linearity
Select Gage linearity from the Process Analysis Procedures Startup Panel and click the OK button to display the Gage Linearity dialog box, which contains one tab: Gage Linearity Specification.
Click the
Variables button on the Gage Linearity Specification tab to display a three- or four-list variable selection dialog box, depending on whether the
Aggregated data check box is selected (see the
Aggregated data option description below). The variables lists include:
Contains the part name, identifier, or number that will be used for associating cases in the Master,
Measure, and
Count variables to the readings of the appropriate gage (part).
Records the reference values of a particular gage.
Records measurements pertaining to a particular gage.
Only needed for aggregated data (and when the
Aggregated data check box is selected). The
Count variable specifies the frequency of identical measurements for a particular part and reference value. The
Count variable allows you to use data sets in compact forms.
Aggregated data
Select this check box if there is a
Count variable (see above) in the data set. A
Count variable records the number of times that measurements for a particular part and reference value yield the same outcome.
Process variation
Use this option to specify the value of the process variation obtained from a previous Gage RR study or process tolerance analysis (see AIAG for details). It you do not have this estimate, you can leave the option blank.
Click the
OK button to start the Gage Linearity analysis and display the
Gage Linearity Results dialog box.
Click the
Cancel button to close the
Gage Linearity dialog box and return to the
Process Analysis Procedures Startup Panel.
Click the
Options button to display the Options menu.
Select Cases
Click the
Select Cases button to display the Analysis/Graph Case Selection Conditions dialog box, which is used to create conditions for which cases will be included (or excluded) in the current analysis. More information is available in the case selection conditions overview and syntax summary. Note that other options are provided in the subsequent dialogs to specifically identify observations that are to be used as a test sample (see also the Overview for details).
Click the W (Weight) button to display the Analysis/Graph Case Weights dialog box, which is used to adjust the contribution of individual cases to the outcome of the current analysis by "weighting" those cases in proportion to the values of a selected variable.